462 - Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial- Honoring and Preserving The Legacy of our Veterans For Over 70 Years

Streamed on:

🔴Tuesday November 26th | 2 PM PST |

Special Guest
Neil O’Connell – Executive Director at Mt. Soledad National Veteran's Memorial in Lajolla, California

Points covered
2024 milestones- Ceremonies tributes and community engagement
• Soledad= "Solace
• Honoring the GWOT Generation
• Make a Difference Today by Donating

Neil O’Connell hails from Natick Massachusetts, the oldest of five sons, he grew up on Cape Cod and entered the Marine Corps in 1977. Serving in the Marines for 33 years, he rose to the rank of Sergeant Major, a rank he proudly wore for 13 years. Shortly after retiring from the Marines at Camp Pendleton in February 2012, he was recruited to serve on the Board of Trustees of the Mount Soledad Memorial Association.

During his tenure he has dedicated his time supporting the Memorial Day and Veterans Day Ceremonies as well as conducting numerous Veterans Honor Ceremonies, membership development and fundraising in support of the memorial and serving as the President and CEO of the Association from 2018- 2021. He presently leads the Association as the Executive Director. Neil enjoys being involved with various organizations in our community, always sharing his time, talent and treasure to “Give Back”. He presently serves on the Board of the San Diego Nice Guys and is a past President of The Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick of San Diego and former Vice President of the MCRD Museum Foundation. In his spare time, he enjoys family BBQ’s, a round of golf with friends and occasional trout fishing in the Sierra’s.

Social Media


Live at 2 PM PST | 5 PM EST on YouTube LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/@itsyourliferadio. Also being broadcast on The Answer San Diego FM 96.1 AM 1170, e360tv, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Rumble.

▶Want to be included in the Show? Email jamescooley145@gmail.com
▶Speaking engagements: Email jamescooley145@gmail.com


Thank you for watching,
Dr. J.C.

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