1886+Ranger+By the Teeth = Shooting Gallery / SLEEPING GIANT Ctrl Pt / 26-11-24 #Gameplay #Division2

3 months ago

Haven't uploaded in a few days because I was sick, but we're back in the saddle!

Thanks to the "By the Teeth" passive modifier, all long range weapons become extremely deadly... as can be seen in the video. Since I use the Ranger talent, you can see the distance to each hostile and damage bonus inflicted upon them.

The new Global Modifiers change everything about builds. Moving forward, any build that doesn't include them should be considered incomplete.

#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ #RTX4070

Main Weapon: 1886 (DTOOC 3rd Attribute)
Secondary Weapon: The White Death (DTOOC 3rd Attribute)
Pistol: The Harvest

Mask: Coyote's Mask (CHC)(CHD)(CHD)(Red Core)
Chest: Grupo Sombra (Weapon Handling)(CHD)(CHD)(Red Core)(Headhunter)
Holster: Zwiadowka Holster (CHC)(CHD)(Blue Core)
Backpack: Zwiadowka Backpack (CHC)(CHD)(CHD) (Red Core)(Unspeakable Force)
Gloves: Eagle's Grasp (CHD)(Blue Core)
Kneepads: Fox's Prayer (CHD)(Blue Core)

Striker Shield / Crusader Shield
Revive Hive

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