With Dede Laugesen, Elizabeth Yore & Rabbi Pesach Wolicki

3 months ago

Dede Laugesen, Executive Director at Save The Persecuted Christians & Elizabeth Yore, Yore Children

Dede Laugesen and I spoke with Liz Yore about a series of travesties that are taking place with the active connivance of Catholic Pope Francis, despite the horrific impact that they are having on both Catholics and other Christians, and, to that matter, members of non- Christian faith communities in communist China. The cumulative effect is more persecution of Christians and, quite possibly, the effective elimination of that population over time at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party.

Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, Co-Host of The Shoulder to Shoulder Podcast

Rabbi Pesach Wolicki and I dissected the so-called ceasefire deal, unquote, that Israel is being coerced into accepting by a Biden administration apparently determined to assure the survival of Hezbollah and its sponsors in Iran. The analysis that the rabbi has provided is deeply shocking and must be seen to appreciate the magnitude of the betrayal that Israel has been subjected to and the dire consequences, not just for Israel but for us as well.

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