Virtualize Ballots by electronic weasels

2 months ago

COTUSA, elections are held to elect leaders in a coconstitutional republic. USA has never been a democracy. All democracy devolve into one man rule backed by an evil intelligence structures. Our founding fathers knew this. the ballot was a paper/parchment ledger from each lawful citizen to cast a mark indicating their vote to determine the winner of all candidates presented on that ballot or written into the ballot. Said ballots were collected in locked boxes and protected by audit able process of custody control until opened for counting. then these were to be locked again to be saved should there be a need for audit. Today's electronic evolution into an unconstitutional process was subtle but effective to aid in creating 50 trillion dollar debt to enslave the USA and future prosperity. Diluted with non citizens voting and redistricting based on noncitizen popopulation mingled with citizens is also unconstitutional. Power of the Sorosian w Rinos continues to rely on public poor education by Socialist Teachers Associations across USA. Start now. end this. enforce COTUSA by all legal measures.

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