Identity vs Reality in Truth

1 month ago

Identity vs Reality in Truth

It is easy to forgot who you are and to lose your identity
I believe there are three levels of identity.
1. There’s the "lie-dentity".
That's who everybody else around you tells you you're not.
2. There’s you "my-dentity".
That's the fake identity you're trying to prove to other people that you are.
3. “I AM” identity
That's the identity that God knows you are.

And when you operate from Identity instead of "lie-dentity" or "my-dentity", then you have nothing to hide, nothing to lose, nothing to gain...

Your behavior tends to be consistent with your individual currently dominant “Reality” structure.
Perhaps equally important is another principle or "fact of life" about your "truth" system.
Your “Reality” structure in incomplete and inaccurate.

I AM identity
That's the identity that God knows you are.

And when you operate from Identity instead of "lie-dentity" or "my-dentity", then you have nothing to hide, nothing to lose, nothing to gain...

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