WW3 - WILL THERE BE WW3? Will there be an attack? Read on this on 24 November 2024

3 months ago

00:00 - Topics
00.01 - Will there be a WW3? High Priestess can be two opposing forces. A situation has escalted. 3 of cups in the past... I wonder if they are not saying the truth about the situation in the media....
06:40 - What do we need to know about this? 6 of cups is friendly, negotiating and to do with the past...
08:00 - Is this what we think it's about Trump and Putin working together? Personally I think yes. Judgement is a huge sad situation... past card (negotiating...... hardship to do with the past) .... I see with 6 of cups card twice. I keep getting 6 of cups. The 3 of swords a red heart.
12.20 - Brad's brother saw some aircraft carriers, what do we need to know about this?
16:16 -Will we be locked down before Christmas? They would like to wrap it up.
19:20 - Trump will he be inaugrated on 20 Jan? There is a situation that has to be completed first.
21:40 - Will there be an EBS before the end of the year or before the Inauguration in Jan?

Tarot is entertainment only.
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