no voice quick unimportant gameplay OG-ASE 009

3 months ago

I am not monetized. Rumble does not have my address. This is a free email only account. No one is sending me a paycheck for being here. Idk if Rumble themselves make any moneys off my account or not??? No idea.

What happens is us free accounts get four upload options. Only one of these options says, "will allow people to find your video through search engine parameters."

WHY WOULD I WANT ANYTHING ELSE? Dafluk? Really?! Then we free accounts are told we will be monetized if we choose the search parameter option. Ah, the search parameter option is the only option we want. I am not here if people cannot find me doing a search, dah.

I just don't get it. Why Rumble feels the need to declare me monetized if I want people to be able to do a search for my vids. I don't want monetized but I do want my vids public and searchable. It's really weird. But I make no money off this have no idea what Rumble is on about.

I'm okay if Rumble makes money. I'm okay with advertisements. I just want to post dumb content and be left alone.

I have a Youtube not attached to Rumble. But Youtube makes me mad with it's oppressive control of the comment section outside of the vid creator's control. Monitors what you are allowed to say in comments with woke filters and it's creepy. Allowing rogue downvoters to destroy your comments like little devil gods.

Rumble has the filters now also. Rumble did not used to. Blocking "sensitive words" in language is a way to control people and push your political narratives while pretending you care about our verbal well being. It's communism. Thought Rumble was down with free speech but I think that has been changing of late. Rumble is now as bad as Youtube. Questionable if Rumble is even a Youtube alternative. So far the only thing Rumble has that Youtube does not is if Youtube turns on you, you can come to Rumble. For now they appear to be different IP's. IE: George Soros and Google Gobble Up Everything have not eaten Rumble up yet. I think. Or maybe they have just been sneaky about it.

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