The Evidence – Introduction

4 months ago

The video clip series “the Evidence” explains what is really happening in these particular times, and what future events will be.
The videos are divided into two groups: the first deals with exceptional astronomical events that will happen, and the second the Biblical signs of the end times.
The studies both lead to an epochal conclusion: the return of Jesus is imminent.

Jesus return, Christ return, last times, end times, cosmic rays, revelation, Apocalypse, supernova, Betelgeuse dim, Antares, Antares supernova, tribulation, pre tribulation, great tribulation, new world, new age, last times signs, great deception, return of Christ, Bible prophecies, Daniel prophecies, 144000 saints, end of the world, Biblical times calculation, faithful and discreet servant, faithful and discreet slave, 4 Horses of the Apocalypse, supervolcano, pre tribulation signs, great tribulation signs, Jesus born date, Three wise men.

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