2023 Genealogy Series Preserving Family Collections and Stories 2023 June14

1 month ago

2023 Genealogy Series, Session 6 of 6 - Planning, Techniques, and Strategies for Preserving Family Collections and Stories by Sara Holmes

Sara Holmes is a Conservator in Preservation Programs from the National Archives at St. Louis

⇒ Presentation Slides: https://www.archives.gov/files/calendar/genealogy-series/2023/2023-06-14-holmes-presentation.pdf
⇒ Handout: https://www.archives.gov/files/calendar/genealogy-series/2023/2023-06-14-holmes-handout.pdf
⇒ Transcript: Request from KYR@nara.gov
⇒ Event Evaluation Form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KYREventEval
⇒ 2023 Genealogy Series web page: https://www.archives.gov/calendar/genealogy-series/2023
⇒ 2023 Genealogy Series playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLugwVCjzrJsW5LpOyGo7oYnc0FR0kqPW7

Learn how professionals preserve records with surveys to create a plan, use archival techniques, and select storage strategies. Surveys help you create a plan of action to determine record treatment, housing, and storage. Archival techniques can be used on your own personal collections of paper-based materials, photographs, and objects. Strategies include how to identify storage needs for papers and photographs. We will tie this all together and show you how significant documents and records help to tell family stories.

00:00 - Welcome
01:39 - Introduction to Preserving Family Collections and Stories
01:48 - Presenter biography
03:01 - Session Overview
03:22 - Preservation Planning
04:50 - Assessing Risk and Priorities through surveys
07:26 - Case Studies in Assessing Risk and Priorities
17:58 - Creating Your Own Risk Assessment Survey
22:00 - Assessing Risk for Paper Collections
23:26 - Demonstration on how to use polyester sleeves
29:38 - Assessing Risk for Books
33:33 - Assessing Risk for Photographs
36:44 - Is it Dirt or Mold?
39:42 - Implementing Your Plan
24:49 - More Resources on Risk and Prioritizing
46:02 - More Resources and Contact information
46:40 - Closing, Event Survey, Other Resources
47:58 - Questions and Answers in the chat
55:59 - Closing Remarks by Chris Naylor, Executive for Research Services

#Genealogy #KnowYourRecords #GenieSeries2023

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