Pyramid Drills with Phil and Vinnie

3 months ago

Phil and Vinnie perform Pyramid Drills Vinnie designed. The “pyramid” represents the speed between shots going faster consistently, or it can also be starting at a rapid cadence and slowing down in the same manner until you run out of ammunition. In this video, two drills are being performed - one going faster and the other slower. A “mag change” was dropped in for fun, and to make it more mentally challenging.

As you see in the exercise, Phil started accelerating his shots but he plateaued too early and tried to adjust his speed when slowing down tripping up on the decreasing cadence. Vinnie, on the other hand, started slower and consistently increased his speed before the mag change. His decreasing cadence was consistent until he ran out of ammunition.

This is a great exercise not only to improve recoil management and mental focus while using your firearm but also to quickly regain your aim and stay on target while increasing your speed. Give it a try sometime!

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