SWGOH Community Update Highlight #5: Incoming (BAD) Changes to Galactic Challenge

3 months ago

There are going to be some big changes coming to the game for Galactic Challenges, and these changes are for the absolute WORSE.

First, the game mode is going to directly support the new Eras journey thing they implemented, which means no more max crate rewards and all this.

Second, they are REQUIRING players to use the latest marquee release as part of the feats. So in other words: if you don't put money into this game, then F-You.

Third, they also are going to implement a feat that REQUIRES US TO BUT THEIR STUPID PASS!!

This change is all about greed! I thought they were supposed to be making enhancements for F2P players?? How is this benefiting us??? This is so bad it makes adding omicrons for Galactic Challenge not sound so bad anymore...

Another thing that's some huge B.S. is that what's going to happen with Omicrons now?? Are they essentially locked behind a pay wall now?? Cool! Thanks CG, and thanks for keeping your "promise" to look out for F2P players!

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