How was Germany turned into a Nazi state?

2 months ago

Using Nazi Germany as an example, we can observe the following facts.

1). Ideology of superiority. In short, the policy of racial discrimination, including ideas of the superiority of the "Aryan race" and the concept of "racial hygiene", was based on a rattling occult mixture of radical theories of George Gurdjieff, Martin Luther, Josef Lanz, Karl Haushofer and Hans Gunther and manipulation on the part of the influential secret order the Green Dragon. Calling things by their proper names, we must say that the roots of the largest war in the history of humankind, which broke out in the 20th century, go down to the very real anti-cultism. After all, radical anti-cultist views had been shaped long before the emergence of Adolf Hitler.

2). Establishment of a dominant religion. A pro-Nazi church movement, the German Christians, which arose within the Evangelical Lutheran Church, calling themselves the "Storm Troopers of Jesus Christ," took control of the entire church in 1932 and became the dominant religion in Germany.

3). Fight against dissent. The Apologetic Center for Combating Sects appeared in 1921, and right up to the beginning of World War II it closely cooperated with the Nazis in stirring anti-Semitic attitudes and exterminating dissenters. In our opinion, anti-cultists played one of the main roles in conditioning public consciousness towards war.

4) Massive war propaganda. From 1933 to 1945, the Nazi minister of propaganda Joseph Goebbels consolidated in his hands all the vital levers of control over the press, radio, cinema and other spheres of German culture. Through a combination of demagogical rhetoric, skillfully staged mass events and effective use of modern technology (primarily, radio and cinema) for propagandistic purposes, he succeeded in infecting large strata of the German nation with ideas of National Socialism and defaming Communists, Social Democrats, Jews and members of religious minorities.

#propaganda #russia #modern #german

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