Scott Jennings Shut Down Cari Champion Whining About Free Speech

3 months ago

Posted • November 26, 2024: CNN had another moment of grade-A entertainment when the panel discussed the evils of the First Amendment and how Twitter has become out of control, thanks to Elon Musk’s ownership. Rumors of MSNBC being up for sale amid atrocious audience numbers were also thrown into the mix. Scott Jennings was there to fan the flames, asking his colleagues how much regulation of the First Amendment is acceptable to them. Cari Champion's answer was atrocious. There's no way to frame this other than a low-grade tantrum that the Left can't control the information waves anymore and that people are tuning out because outlets like CNN lie consistently. It was couched in some pseudo-intellectual babble about how they, as journalists, a debatable label, don’t call each other names since that’s unprofessional. That’s not the case on Twitter, where mean things are said. So what? Who cares? It’s apples and oranges.

Twitter users aren’t paid contributors to a network where certain forms of decorum are expected. It’s not the same. What exposes the whole game is this notion about the lack of a moral compass on Twitter. We all know what that means—the Left is so predictable when they lose control. The platform has never been more balanced. When Jennings made that point and was pressed on its source, the lone conservative replied, “CNN.” The debate about billionaires buying media companies is also laughable: Who owns The Washington Post? It's Jeff Bezos. Is that problematic? To this panel, when liberal rich guys buy these companies, it's OK because they're sane or something. Again, that's not an argument. Kudos to Jim Geraghty for mentioning Microsoft's fingerprints when creating MSNBC. -- CNN is having a meltdown about X. (…)

Townhall: Watch CNN's Scott Jennings Shut Down a Panel of Libs Whining About Free Speech
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