'I Learned It By Watching You!' Scott Jennings OWNS CNN Panelists Who Claim Twitter Is Far Right

1 month ago

Posted • November 26, 2024: Growing up as part of Generation X, there was one public service announcement every kid remembers. It was the famous marijuana commercial. A father confronts his son holding a box of weed that he found and asks him where he learned about smoking the Devil's lettuce. The uncomfortable child tries making some excuses but eventually turns to his father and shouts, 'You, alright? I learned it by watching you!' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-Elr5K2Vuo -- We're not sure if the PSA was effective or not because it mostly made us laugh more than anything. But watching Scott Jennings once again destroy his fellow panelists last night on CNN, we were reminded of this 80s PSA because Jennings basically just used CNN's own reports against them.

Jennings was discussing the left's favorite boogeyman, Elon Musk, with host Audie Cornish and guest Cari Champion, who were claiming that Twitter has veered far right under Musk's ownership. Jennings counted by saying (accurately) that Twitter is the most balanced information source of any social media platform or news network. When Champion demanded to know where Jennings got such ludicrous information, his answer was simplicity itself. -- CNN: "Who's your source that 𝕏 is more balanced than any other platform?" -- Jennings: "Uh, CNN" -- LOL. Oops. 'Where did you get this survey information, Scott Jennings?' - 'From you, alright? I learned it by watching you!' And just in case you were wondering if Jennings made any of that up, he did not. Here is CNN just one week ago reporting the results of a user survey indicating that Twitter (or X) is about as balanced as statistically possible.

CNN reports that X, under Elon Musk, is far more ideologically balanced than it was as Twitter. It looks like America! Making money, too. https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1858900953937670145/pu/vid/avc1/1920x1080/-vrs6WSJrLJ-Rdfp.mp4 -- Those darn users. Always blowing up false media narratives. Anything the left doesn't control 100 percent automatically becomes 'far right.' So, Scott is literally the only one on the panel who actually posts attention to what's been reported on CNN. 😄😂🤣🤣🤣 Champion even hilariously (albeit accidentally) slams her own network after Jennings mentioned the survey by saying, 'It's not accurate and you know it.' Jennings just gives her the 'Scott Jennings face' and says, 'OK.' LOL. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - 'I Learned It by Watching You!' Scott Jennings OWNS CNN Panelists Who Claim Twitter Is Far Right

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