Ronald Reagan Speaks about Permanent Bureaucracy & Government Waste

3 months ago

Listen closely to what Ronald Reagan had to say about the permanent bureaucracy and government waste. He would 100% be on board with their mission.

Our biggest problem is that we have built a permanent structure of government, federal state, and local, the permanent employees and they've come to the place where they actually determine policy in this country more than the Congress of the United States.

"We've gotten in the habit over the last forty years of thinking the government has the answers. There's very little that the government can do as efficiently and as economically as the people can do themselves. And if government would shut the doors and sneak away for about three weeks, we'd never miss them. Our biggest problem is that we have built a permanent structure of government, federal state, and local, the permanent employees and they've come to the place where they actually determine policy in this country more than the Congress of the United States. There are fourteen and a half million public employees in the United States. That's quite a voting block. And he took up some pages of the congressional record He was doing the same thing You were listing all these crazy research programs, and how much they were costing... What would you say if I told you about one a study in which this was called the demography of happiness. And in this study the government found out that young people are happier than old people…And they found out that people had earned more are happier than people had earned less. And they found out that well people are happier than sick people. This was ¼ of a Million dollars ($249,000!) to find out it's better to be rich young and healthy than old poor…"


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