Do Not Pursue Women

3 months ago

Do not subject yourself to the whims of a woman because she will lose respect for you and destroy you. Likewise, do not use women, or you will destroy yourself. A woman will not respect a man who does not pursue what he knows to be right and true. If she suspects he can be swayed or tempted, she will realize he is compromised and be tempted herself to exploit him. A man must have a will like iron to do what he knows is right. If he can be bought, he is not a man, but a tool for those who wish to use him. If he bends his will for the attention of women, he will attract women who wish to use him and repel women who would be his true supporters. If you focus on doing what is right, a good woman will come to you. If you focus on women, you may find many but never be satisfied.

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