Do Women Want Men Who Play Video Games?

3 months ago

Do women want men who play video games? I don't think so. I think they want men who are interested in them, who work to provide for them, and who long to spend time with them. Devoting time in your life to games leaves less time to devote to your spouse and it sends a message that something trivial and unnecessary can compete with her for your attention. I'm not saying men should never play video games or have time consuming hobbies, but video games provide such powerful visual and mental stimulation, that men often prioritize them over their significant others. Video games can have an addicting quality to them that leaves men yearning for more game time to the point where they are constantly distracted by the desire to get back to a game at the expense of quality time with their women. As with any potentially addictive activity, men have to be careful to not let it consume them, and remember that their relationships are not only far more important, but have the potential to be much more rewarding than any game. Women should encourage their men to rise to the potential they see in them, and men should attempt to engage with their women as passionately as they attempt to master a game.

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