The Church & Israel The Reason You Do Not Understand The Pre Trib Rapture

2 months ago

The church began to be built by Jesus (Mt.16:18) by the revelation of who Christ is (Mt.16:16-7, 1 Jn.4:2, Jn.8:24). This was after his appearing in the flesh. (Rom.16:25) Christ is the chief cornerstone (1 Cor.3:11, 1 Pt.2:4-8) with the apostles, prophets and teachers as the foundation (Ac.2:41-7, 1 Cor.12:28, Eph.2:20, 4:11-3). It is perpetuated by the ministry of the word of the gospel (Mt.28:19-20, Lk.24:46-7, Ac.2:41-7) since the church has the keys to kingdom of heaven (Mt.16:19, 18:17-20,1 Tim.3:15) and edifies and perpetuates itself (Eph.4:16). The church is the city/bride (Eph.5:28-32, Rv.21:2).
The church is a mystery body (Eph.3:3-6, 5:32, Col.1:26-7, 1 Tim.3:16) which contains Jews & Gentiles made equal in standing (no genealogical significance) regarding covenants and promises (1 Cor.12:13, Col.3:11, Gal.3:27-8, Eph.2:14-15, Ac.15:8-11) until the fulness of the Gentiles are saved (Rom.11:11,25,28,30). It is not nor does it contain the nation of Israel who independently have a standing with God based on the fathers (Rom.11:25-31). The church embodies grace and prudence or wisdom not contained in the salvation of the physical descendants of Abraham; i.e. Israel (Eph.3:6,21, 1:6-13, 2:11-19, Rom.11:30-3). After the Gentiles are fully come in the nation of Israel finish their prophecies (Rom.11:25-7, Dan.9:24).
The remnant (Rom.9:27, 11:5, 7) of the whole house of Israel cannot be the whole house of Israel (Ezek.37:11, 39:25-9). The remnant of Israel is in the body of Christ which is mostly Gentile. (Rom.11)

This mystery of the Jews being cut off for an unknown and unspecified time (enter an imminent rapture) is for the Gentile gathering into the church which is the body of Christ (1 Cor.2:7, Eph.5:32, Col.1:26-7). The disciples did not know this during Christ's ministry, (Jn.16:12-3) Then Israel shall be saved and delivered according to Daniels prophecy as the final week of years concerning thy people and upon thy holy city. This will be an end of sin for Israel and Jerusalem and a finish to their transgression to reconcile them for their iniquity. Notice that it is not a general reconciliation made at the cross (after 69 weeks) but the particular application of his sacrifice upon the people of Israel (after 70 weeks). Christ has made reconciliation (Rom.5:10); it is our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement (v11). Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness? (Rom.11:12) If the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? (Rom.11:15) The fulness (bringing in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy) and resurrection of the dead is connected with their conversion at the last (Dan.12:1-3, Jn.11:24, 6:39-40, 44, 54) after the time of Jacobs trouble (Jer.30:7, Deut.4:30) and the final 70th week. The disciples did not understand these mysteries initially. Lk.18:31-4…And they understood none of these things: and this saying was hid from them, neither knew they the things which were spoken. Lk.9:44-5, Mk.9:9-10, Jn.20:9, Mt.16:21-2

They will inherit their promised land- Luke 1:67-75, Jud.2:1, Ezek.20:42, 36:25-29, 37:14, 22, Jos.1:3-4, Deut.1:7-8, 11:23-25, Gen.50:24, Ex.6:8, 32:13, Gen.12:1, 13:14-17, 15:18, 17:4-7.

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