Different Countries, the Same Script | What Do the Media Do to People?

3 months ago

Who doesn’t see that there are adequate, normal media outlets that simply report events, and then there are distinctly insane media that distort reality, poison people with the venom of hatred and aggression, sow fear, and divide society? In reality, they are not insane – they make us insane! Through constant streams of lies, disinformation, and negativity, they create such a toxic informational environment that it literally poisons the human psyche. Watching the news leads people to experience stress, anxiety, heart problems, and mental disorders.

People who can no longer critically assess information, analyze it independently, and consider alternative perspectives become easily influenced and controlled.

It is precisely from their ranks that so-called lone wolves emerge under the influence of media manipulation, later attacking politicians. And these are not just random incidents – they are the result of deliberate, well-organized covert informational-psychological operations intended to remotely influence and program individuals to commit crimes.

Where have such attacks already occurred? Is it possible to identify their potential next target from the flow of information? Watch the video to find out.

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