We Have To Talk About Weed

3 months ago

Cannabis is finally being decriminalized in more and more places around the world. And for very good reasons! Compared to other legal drugs such as alcohol, cannabis is pretty mild and most users enjoy it without issue. But there’s a dark side for some. So let’s take an honest look at some of the latest research together.

A few years ago, we made a video of three arguments why cannabis should remain illegal - and debunked them. Watch it again:



Tobias Weimer, Jerizaburr, Piotr Jaroński, Miki, Dragos Floria, OddLittleHippie, Scarlett, Eliana Veliz, Henry Pack, Vincent arp, HuskyRM, Nerdingas Armaitis, Ed Frazier Davis, AToastyKat, Frank Kronz, Arashi, Archer, Alex Moratorio, Korriwan, Deceded, Francisco Cueto, Garmega, Brigitte De La Malene, Celestino, Homunculus, Yolanda Haynes, Kooblay Khan, Kyu Vulpes, Julie Goodrich, Vicky Nguyen, Mikhail, Charlie, JP Jung, Czero, Michael Weingartner, Lauren Alam, Otis and Arlo Beard, Phil S, Killian Getson-Hardiman, Orhan Hajrullahi, Sara Dixon, Nicholas Hopper, Martin, NurseNomNom, Almera Killian R. Dubourg, Nokken, Aloy Sakai, HashtagGO, Anonius, S K, Marleigh Sheppard, Irian, yashu

0:00 Start
1:47 Weed is getting stronger and stronger
3:36 Weed Addiction And Withdrawal Symptoms
7:37 Weed May Damage Your Brain
10:57 Odoo Sponsorship
12:33 kurzgesagt brand-new Special Drop

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