Overweight Farron Cousins vs bipolar Divorcee Sam Seder (COVID-19 vaccines)

1 month ago

Overweight cueball Feral Cousins vs Creepy old Divorcee Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport & fat Farron Cousins (COVID vaccine)

I could do numerous videos on this, Democrats downplaying & criticizing Operation Warp Speed & the vaunted COVID-19 vaccine before Joe Biden & his minions stole the 2020 election versus Democrats praising the vaccine as the greatest thing since sliced bread after the Fake President & Kid Sniffer Joe Biden took office. [X]

Our first offering comes from the morbidly obese cueball Farron Cousins, https://archive.is/FzVVl https://archive.is/https://trofire.com/2020/10/28/trump-wanted-to-use-santa-claus-in-a-covid-propaganda-video/ https://archive.is/https://trofire.com/2021/04/03/right-wing-extremists-trying-to-stop-the-vaccine/ calling the COVID-19 vaccine (this is prior to the 2020 election) “unproven.” Look at the comments on the video by the unemployed/underemployed Ring of Fire base, who likely wanted everyone fired less than a year later for not taking this “unproven” vaccine.

https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/02/22/faucis-boss-francis-collins-contradicts-biden-praises-trumps-operation-warp-speed/ Francis Collins thought Operation Warp Speed was great, what is Fat Farron Cousins’ problem? Oh yeah, Trump was POTUS, not Biden. Now I understand.

https://rumble.com/vmhglf-creepy-joe-biden-anti-vaxxer.html You may remember the creepy old man (not Sam Seder) Joe Biden, who showered w/ his kid – whining about how an unproven COVID-19 vaccine was being foisted upon the America public. However, his tune changed really quick. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/11/22/fact-sheet-biden-administration-announces-six-week-campaign-to-get-more-americans-their-updated-covid-19-vaccine-before-end-of-the-year/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/09/17/statement-by-white-house-press-secretary-jen-psaki-on-covid-19-summit/ https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2021/09/09/biden-message-unvaccinated-americans-patience-sot-lead-vpx.cnn https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/12/21/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-fight-against-covid-19/ https://rumble.com/vra04h-the-covid-19-vaccines-will-save-us-maybe-not-really.html https://rumble.com/v1g5lw5-the-covid-19-vaccines-are-going-to-save-us-maybe-not-really-part-iv.html This vaccine that was “unproven” & was a plot by Donald Trump was suddenly the greatest thing ever by 2021. Funny, I thought it took many years to perfect these vaccines? I guess not. Farron Cousins is overweight, he should definitely get about 15 boosters.

Fat Farron Cousins fails to see the irony here, an “unproven” COVID-19 vaccine that Donald Trump was hawking & politicizing on 10/28/2020 became the greatest thing ever by April of the following year. What the funk? The headline in October 2020 could’ve read: “Left-wing kiddie predators trying to stop Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed from saving millions of lives.”

WebMd, supposedly a bastion of “health care expertise” https://web.archive.org/web/20210102204001/https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20201013/what-happed-other-times-a-vaccine-was-rushed https://archive.is/ofkjE was wringing their hands over over-promising & under-delivering, they were also worried about politicization of the vaccines & our government’s vaunted health care agencies. Guess that worry went away with their bootlicking at the foot of the pharmaceutical industry & these junk science yes men inhabiting Leviathan.

Put that https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20201013/what-happed-other-times-a-vaccine-was-rushed in your browser & see what comes up now

Would Farron Cousins have threatened to eat all the food in Creepy old man Sam Seder’s refrigerator (Sam’s kids don’t visit him anymore, nor live w/ him so there’s likely not much food in there, Feral Cousins might starve) if he saw the creepy old man https://archive.is/cGRvO https://archive.is/xx5JG https://archive.ph/juKMu hawking these ineffective COVID-19 vaccines?

Stan Seder’s point about COVID deaths being higher in RED Counties vs. BLUE counties is bogus & misleading; he has no real data on this & if he did, he would have to separate unvaccinated from vaccinated, he would have to tally breakthrough infections, (which he is not capable of, he isn’t very bright) he would have to tally those who died WITH COVID versus those who died because of COVID) & he would have to give us the data on inter-county trips. What % of those who died of COVID had 2 or more immunodeficiencies Sam? Any data on that or is that all you can pull out of your ass?

He has none of that data, much like most of the yarns he spins while sitting on his fat duff, he pulls it out of his rear end, chews the cud & regurgitates it for all his viewers. Sam Seder might also want to learn how to tally a per 100,000 figure, as to adjust for population.

Stan Seder might also want to explain why AI/AN & Hispanic folks had much higher infection & death rates from COVID, yet those are groups that traditionally lean Democrat. That’s changing a bit though. When the creepy old man Sam Seder talks about “red counties”, what he means is “rural, white folks.”

What’s his yardstick for “red county”? If the County voted 50-48 in favor of Trump, but all the County Supervisors are Democrat, as well as the State Representative, is that “red” or “blue?” Of course, he doesn’t know because the data is fake. If the County voted for Biden narrowly & has a GOP Board of Supervisors, they voted for the GOP House Representative & their State Representative is Republican is that a Red or Blue County?

I could also ask, what about infection rates in blue vs. red counties? Regressive Communists were so obsessed w/ “cases” that they were demanding this constant testing, so if your county had a high infection rate, that would be proof that you’re not doing something right, at least in their mind. Remember the obsession & caterwauling about “cases”, regardless of death rates?

Stan Seder likes to hawk cut-and-paste garbage can studies off the internet red light district, be aware of that. When he says “sensible restrictions” in relation to gun possession or COVID-19 restrictions, be aware of those moving goalposts.

Farron Cousins might have a word w/ Sam Seder & his junk science propaganda in favor of COVID-19 vaccines.

Age-adjusted death rates in the states that NEVER had a stay-at-home or shelter-in-place orders are no different from the states up in the Northeastern U.S. that went lockdown crazy. https://rumble.com/v2rgw38-covid-19-lockdowns-get-nuked.html Unlike creepy groomer Sam Seder, I have actual data.

There you have it folks, the obese Farron Cousins, on the doorstep of the 2020 election was whining about Donald Trump hawking this “unproven” vaccine [Y] & not long after the election those goalposts moved to the other end of the field & not taking those “vaccines” was tantamount to treason.

The folks at Ring of Fire are mentally ill, a Democrat can do the exact same thing a Republican does & their response will be entirely different. Mr. Chairman, I Yield Back!

[X] https://rumble.com/vmhglf-creepy-joe-biden-anti-vaxxer.html https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-questions-whether-coronavirus-vaccine-will-be-real Creepy old kid sniffer Joe Biden vs. the untested, dangerous COVID-19 vaccines. The Pedocrat flip-flopping on COVID-19 vaccines (I don’t doubt vaccines in general, I do doubt the COVID-19 vaccine) is surreal. https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-urges-americans-take-vaccine-skepticism-rollout-1577300 Did Pedo Joe, the fake President ever think his skepticism in 2020 was the reason in March 2021, people were hesitant?

https://nypost.com/2020/12/14/andrew-cuomo-as-usual-makes-vaccine-all-about-himself/ Andrew Cuomo was totally against the COVID-19 vaccines, before he was for them. The only thing that changed was the POTUS.

https://web.archive.org/web/20200919203524/https://twitter.com/JoyAnnReid/status/1307417988526673926 https://web.archive.org/web/20200918011255/https://twitter.com/JoyAnnReid/status/1306762734076342273 Joy Reid doesn’t want you to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

It wasn’t long & her “opinion” changed https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2021/07/21/joy_reid_anti-vaxxers_targeting_republican_evangelicals_blacks_and_latinos.html https://www.msnbc.com/transcripts/transcript-reidout-8-23-21-n1277504 https://www.yahoo.com/news/joy-reid-slams-eric-clapton-194530474.html

Joy Reid has a debilitating mental illness, she needs a trip to the puzzle factory

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/may/15/trump-coronavirus-warp-speed-vaccine-white-house Vaccines should not be rushed & by 2021, that was falling on deaf ears. Exactly why I refuse to be a guinea pig https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/01/health/eua-coronavirus-vaccine-history/index.html CNN was worried about a rushed vaccine in 2020

https://redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2021/04/30/hell-freezes-over-as-even-cnn-makes-an-acknowledgement-about-joe-biden-and-masks-n371972 The overweight Kamala Harris, among others doubted the COVID-19 “vaccine”, prior to the 2020 election (cough). After the election, it was supposedly safe, just like that, presto! https://www.yahoo.com/news/vice-president-kamala-harris-urges-003454548.html https://www.reuters.com/article/world/us/vice-president-harris-urges-black-americans-lets-not-let-covid-get-us-idUSKBN2AO2M8/ They did many years’ research & testing, trials, etc. in a few months!

https://dailycaller.com/2020/12/14/coronavirus-vaccine-operation-warp-speed-doubters/ This piece contains a lot of doubters that Operation Warp Speed would be rolling out vaccines by the end of 2020 (My sister is in the health care industry, she got her first shot prior to Christmas 2020), but I would like you to focus on something else. All the Pedocrats who were wringing their hands over how ineffective or unsafe this vaccine would be if it were rushed.

Just a scant few months later, this vaccine was the greatest thing ever (notice how Sam Seder gives scientists the credit, not Trump – if Hillary were in office, he would be crediting her) & if you didn’t take it, you should be fired. That’s mental illness folks.

I told my father in September 2020, “I don’t care who wins this election, I am NOT taking that experimental cocktail.” I advised him to take it, but if I knew then what I knew a year later, I would’ve urged him to avoid it.

https://web.archive.org/web/20210328165603/https://larryelder.com/column/trump-critics-who-called-vaccine-timetable-reckless-now-say-its-reckless-not-to-take-the-vaccine/ Here’s Larry Elder calling out various clowns for being skeptical of COVID-19.

[Y] Donald Trump & Operation Warp Speed. I still voted for him, despite that. He wasn’t going to fire me for refusing an experimental cocktail & I realize even if Hillary Clinton had won in 2016, a “vaccine” still would’ve been produced, but Donald Trump was hawking those COVID-19 vaccines. That has to be mentioned https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/search/?s=Operation+Warp+Speed https://archive.is/FIMCO https://archive.is/6FJD7 https://archive.is/r6ExB

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