TTHE SATAN CHURCH: "NO need pact ... kid's get devil already"

2 months ago

Original description:
This is from the documentary video "Hollywood Unmasked 2" which is available from Fight the Good Fight Ministries on their web site along with many other fine documentaries on the entertainment industry (like "They Sold Their Soul for Rock & Roll") in which, like in this film, the actual persons who are joining forces with demonic powers actually tell you the story of what they are doing in their own words ... I expected it to be accusations or some hype or gimmick they did for publicity or something when I first saw them ... but NO ... it is mostly the actually peoples words in interviews, etc. telling that this is what they are doing.
In this video I could not believe the radical statements being made by the leader of the satanic church in this video, so I clipped them out and strung them together (stuff like how they use TV and actors to infiltrate the culture with the devil's schemes ... or how kid's these days are so infiltrated by the devil they do not need to make a pact anymore because they are already with him ... or how he won't even let his own son watch TV because he knows what is in it). I mean this guy should be the one who KNOWS right? And here he is telling you!!! Stop eating dog dudu cookies will you? Get Jesus to save you before it is too late because the devil already has your whole family

Video by yashuafreak

Video on Creative Commons Licence from:

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