3 months ago

As promised with more salt in the wound:

Here's the article I used from the TIE-IN Video on my Rumble (@ RattleTrap1776). 

This is how you know and learn what's taking place is still ongoing. There's keywords in around the distraction pieces that connect to the Laws and Orders invoked.

December 28, 2023

Headline: Biden administration backtracks on ‘democratic decline’ as root cause of migration

The Headline is a distraction. It ties in the actor, "Biden"... this is where most people read from an average viewpoint or don't read at all because it's one article of thousands.

Key Terms:

Secretary of Homeland Security
Western Hemisphere
Disrupting human smuggling networks
Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans

President Trump has 2 Executive Orders, 13808 and 13851, and 2 Proclamations, 9699 and 9931, for Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. And there was already an EO for Haiti in place. 

President Trump signed Executive Order 13773 on February 9, 2017...

Executive Order 13773:

He then signed Executive Order 13851 on March 15, 2019, that says: "in order to take additional steps to deal with the national emergency with respect to significant transnational criminal organizations declared in of July 24, 2011 (Blocking Property of Transnational Criminal Organizations)"...

This is a new Executive Order, but still tied into EO 13581 by Obama in 2011. Hence why not one single Liberal can say, "you can't do that."

The simple thing is... Obama, Congress, and Law Enforcement of all entities did NOT enforce any of these... 'just' enough to say they did, but not enough to eradicate the swamp and invisible enemy. 

Executive Order 13851:

Letter (e) of 13773 says: develop strategies, under the guidance of the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security, to maximize coordination among agencies—such as through the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF), Special Operations Division, the OCDETF Fusion Center, and the International Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations Center—to counter the crimes described in subsection (a) of this section, consistent with applicable Federal law

There's your Secretary of Homeland Security tie in.

Now notice:

Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF)
Special Operations Division

The Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) is an independent component of the U.S. Department of Justice. Established in 1982, OCDETF is the centerpiece of the Attorney General’s strategy to combat transnational-organized-crime and to reduce the availability of illicit narcotics in the nation by using a prosecutor-led, multi-agency approach to enforcement.

Since the creation of the International Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations Center (IOC-2) within OCDETF in 2009, followed by OCDETF’s inclusion in the President’s Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime in 2011, and subsequent specific direction in Presidential Executive Order 13773 (2017), OCDETF’s mission expanded to include multi-agency investigation and coordination of all forms of transnational organized crime. 

Two key things from the About OCDETF:

1. President Ronald Reagan established the OCDETF in 1982. There's a speech from him in October 1982 that talks about an INVISIBLE ENEMY.

2. Executive Order 13773 referenced in the short About Section.

OCDETF Member Agencies:

Department of Justice
Department of Homeland Security
Department of the Treasury
U.S. Postal Service
Department of Labor
Department of State
State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies

The site was last updated, October 2, 2023.

The major functions of OCDETF are to:

Provide national-level oversight, program governance, policy direction, coordination, and resourcing for personnel and law enforcement operations at 93 U.S. Attorneys’ Offices; 11 federal law enforcement agencies from the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, Treasury, State, Labor, Postal, and (when applicable) DOD; 19 OCDETF Co-located Strike Forces; the OCDETF Fusion Center; and the International Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations Center.  The keystone of OCDETF’s comprehensive strategy is the prosecutor-led, multi-agency task force governance structure.

Initiate and synchronize intelligence-driven, multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional investigations and prosecutions against transnational criminal networks posing priority threats to the United States.  OCDETF provides a forward leaning governance structure for federal, state, and local law enforcement to work together and leverage each other’s legal authorities, expertise, and specialized skills in coordinated, long-term enterprise investigations. The OCDETF strategy recognizes that law enforcement agencies working together led by experienced prosecutors to conduct criminal enterprise investigations, accomplish more than the same agencies working separately.

Identify, disrupt, and dismantle transnational criminal organizations that threaten the United States.  OCDETF leads and manages multi-agency vetting processes to identify national and regional organizations that present the highest priority threats throughout the United States.  These organizations are extremely complex and engage in a broad array of criminal activity.  Their members traffic in illegal and dangerous drugs; launder illicit proceeds; arm themselves with and traffic in firearms; manipulate our financial, securities, and commodities markets; victimize large swaths of our citizens, private industry, and government agencies through targeted cyber intrusions; kidnap and traffic humans; continue their criminal activities as fugitives; perpetuate violence; support terrorists and hostile governments; and engage in other serious criminal activities.

Attack the financial infrastructure that supports transnational criminal organizations.  OCDETF prosecutors and agents employ an enterprise theory of investigation to target every component of criminal groups and pursue all operational aspects and revenue streams so that targeted organizations cannot recuperate and reconstitute. The linchpin in this approach is the use of asset forfeiture laws to deprive targets of their illegally acquired profits no matter where those profits have been hidden.  By disrupting and dismantling every component of the criminal networks operating in or affecting the United States, OCDETF protects the safety and security of Americans and reduces threats to our nation’s infrastructure and stability.

Enhance and expand the sharing of information across law enforcement agencies to maximize the collective understanding of criminal network threats and inform strategic enforcement actions.  The OCDETF Fusion Center (OFC) is an intelligence center that gathers, stores, and analyzes data from twenty-six law enforcement and regulatory agencies to create comprehensive intelligence pictures of targeted organizations, and pass actionable leads to the field.  The OFC produces both tactical and operational intelligence products for use in the field, drawing from law enforcement and intelligence data that historically has not been widely shared.  In addition, the OFC provides support to the development of strategic intelligence products to enhance threat analysis and support national strategic efforts against transnational organized crime. 

Major Functions of OCDETF: 

The next KEY TIE IN: Executive Order 13919 and WESTERN HEMISPHERE.

EO 13919:

Ordering the Selected Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 12304 of title 10, United States Code, and having determined that it is necessary to augment the regular Armed Forces of the United States for a named operational mission, specifically the “Enhanced Department of Defense Counternarcotic Operation in the Western Hemisphere,” I hereby order as follows:"...

This Executive Order is a DIRECT Order from CIC to the Secretary of Defense to Federalize Select Reserves to Active-Duty.

Notice the Western Hemisphere tie in. 

On December 20, 2019, the War Powers Act of 1973 was amended with a new Section, 1550, which key tie ins to:

Invisible Enemy
Western Hemisphere
Transnational Crime
Irregular Warfare
Unconventional Warfare
Title 10
Title 14
Title 32
Title 50
Executive Order 12333
Law Enforcement
DoD Directives

Title 50 = War and NATIONAL DEFENSE.

Title 50 Chapter 33, Chapter 33 = War Powers Act of 1973

Title 50 Ch. 33 Section 1550: Not later than 180 days after December 20, 2019, and every 180 days thereafter, the President shall submit to the congressional defense committees, the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on actions taken pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107–40) against those countries or organizations described in such law, as well as any actions taken to command, coordinate, participate in the movement of, or accompany the regular or irregular military forces of any foreign country or government when such forces are engaged in hostilities or in situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, during the preceding 180-day period.

Title 50 Ch 33 S1550:

In the first 180-days alone, these happened:

Proclamation 9994 - verbal National Emergency

Executive Order 13912 - Federalized 1 Million Reserves to Active-Duty

EO 13912:

Executive Order 13913 - Telecommunications - Team Telecom - 47 USC 606 titled "War Powers of the President"... the President can control Radio, TV, and Internet Broadcasts.

This ties in the Assassinations Executive Order 12333.

EO 13913:

Executive Order 13919 - authorizing SECDEF equal authority to Federalize Reserves.

Remember: Reserves only serve a Federal Mission = Presidential Call-Up only, ZERO Governor jurisdiction. 

Notice the word IRREGULAR in the 1550 clause?

Irregular = Unconventional Warfare.

The term UW often elicits strong responses both negative and positive, though many have a fundamental misunderstanding of the term itself, and its application supporting U.S. policy. 

Simply, UW is the support to a resistance movement. Historically and most often, the U.S. supported a semi-organized militarized irregular force -- known in doctrine as a Guerrilla Force, as part of an insurgency -- 

2016 Special Operations Command, Unconventional Warfare:

Let's take the Special Operations Division from above and the 2016 SOC and Irregular and Unconventional ties ins.  

U.S. Southern Command’s enhanced presence will support ongoing whole-of-government and internationally supported operations to reduce the availability of illicit drugs and save lives in the United States and throughout the region.

The intent is to reduce the flow of illicit drugs, degrade transnational criminal organizations, and increase interoperability with our partner nations and interagency partners. The operation supports our objectives to degrade the capabilities of drug trafficking organizations, save lives, and directly support the National Drug Control Strategy.

On April 1, 2020, U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) began enhanced counternarcotics operations in the Western Hemisphere to disrupt the flow of drugs in support of Presidential national security objectives.

April 1, 2020 = first 180-days in the Title 50 Section 1550.

Ally & partner contributions:

• 22 nations provide intelligence and operations support as part of Joint Interagency Task Force – South (JIATF-South)

• Key partners in this fight: Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama, as well as European partners France, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom -- will provide capabilities.  50% of interdictions last year involved partners.

U.S. whole of government efforts continue with interagency assets from Customs and Border Protection, DEA and others.

The last line there ties in on the OCDETF connections: CBP and DEA.


Now let's look at the Policy Defense:
One of the roles for the: Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict:
Advises, Assists, and Supports the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy on Special Operations and Irregular Warfare policy matters.

ASD for Special Operations:

Now let's look at another key tie in:

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Counternarcotics and Stabilization Policy

The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Counternarcotics and Stabilization Policy develops DoD counterdrug (CD) and counter-transnational organized crime (CTOC) policy. It also issues guidance, establishes priorities, and oversees resource allocation and program execution, for DoD CD and CTOC missions.

In conjunction with the Chief, National Guard Bureau coordinate and monitor National Guard support to State drug law enforcement operations and to DoD, as required.

ASD for Special Operations:

See that National Guard and Law Enforcement tie in?

Let's look at the National Guard Counter Drug Program site:

Vision: Bridge the divide between civilian law enforcement and the military by bringing core DOD capabilities and resources to bear against drug related threats while leveraging the Guard’s unique legal ability to operate on U.S. soil and abroad.

Read that last line slowly... 

Legal ability = Laws and Orders.    

National Guard:

Do you need to see President Trump's command? Yes you do.

On April 1st of this year, I announced the launch of a powerful U.S. military law enforcement operation to combat the flow of illegal drugs across the Western Hemisphere. 

In just 12 weeks, SOUTHCOM’s surge operation, conducted with key regional partners, has resulted in more than 1,000 arrests and the interdiction of 120 metric tons.  I can only tell you that’s a lot of narcotics, worth billions and billions of dollars.  We’re determined to keep dangerous drugs out of the country and away from our children.  We’re securing our seas.  We’re securing our borders.  This is a new operation, not been done before.  And this operation has been incredibly successful.  

- July 10, 2020

There's a lot more to read, but you get the gist:

Western Hemisphere

President Trump White House archives:

Department of Defense Directive 5240.
01 that 99% of "Patriot" podcasters butchered, especially some guy that talks about Health, with THOUSANDS of followers... said, 

"This is Joe Biden weaponizing the Military against the people." And many followed suit with that.

That's stupidity, foolishness, and incompetence at its finest. 

President Trump literally just spoke about this level of incompetence and stupidity in one of his last rallies before November 5, about an article talking about how China would destroy us... etc.

"It's stupid. And it's false. No they would not. We would kick their ass."




Executive Orders (E.O.s) 12333 and 13388, and Title 50, United States Code (U.S.C.). 

It also references DoD Directive 3000.07 which is titled: 


DODD 3000.07:

In which 3000.07 references DoD Directive 5100.01 which is titled:  

Functions of the Department of Defense and Its Major Components

DODD 5100.01:

3000.07 also references DODD 1322.18 which is titled:

Military Training 

That brings in the National Guard and Reserves. 

DODD 1322.18:

5240.01 also references DODD 5148.13 which is titled:

Intelligence Oversight

That references Executive Order 12333

DODD 5148.13:

5240.01 also references DODD 2310.01E which is titled:

Department of Defense DETAINEE PROGRAM  


Establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the DoD Detainee Program, to ensure compliance with the laws of the United States; the law of war, including the Geneva Conventions; and all applicable policies.

Designates the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)) as the lead proponent for developing, coordinating, and implementing policies and guidance pertaining to detainee operations.

Notice key terms:

The Laws of the United States
The Law of War = Law of War Manual
Geneva Conventions
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy - which is one of those listed above. 

Department of Defense Instruction 3000.14 is a tie in, which is titled:


DODI 3000.14 :

President Trump used TWO key Comms in his November 15, 2022, speech:

PAUSE = Public Alert: Unregistered Soliciting Entities

MARS = Military Auxiliary Radio System

You've seen the PAUSE in live action. Executive Order 13959 with National Emergency and a list on the OFAC dot gov of assets frozen.

Notice one of the lines in paragraph 3 of the Major Functions of OCDETF: "Their members traffic in illegal and dangerous drugs; launder illicit proceeds; arm themselves with and traffic in firearms; manipulate our financial, securities, and commodities markets."

PAUSE = acronym.

Military Auxiliary Radio System = DoDD 4650.02

The Army and Navy transferred ALL Communications to the Space Force in August and December 2022.

Conveniently, President Trump's speech was in November 2022, where he mentioned "we will plant our beautiful Flag, very soon, on the surface of MARS."

Is that why, in 2023, 50 Senators received emergency satellite phones?

Is that why President Trump dodged January 20, 2021, and kept the Nuclear Football that I've seen every time I've been to Mar-a-lago? 

DoDD 4650.02:

DoDD 4650.02 references one of the most KEY DoD Instructions...

3020.26 from June 4, 2024, titled:


Purpose: This issuance reissues the 2018 directive as a DoD instruction (DoDI) in accordance with the authority in DoD Directive (DoDD) 5111.
"By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I hereby delegate to the Secretary of Defense the authority and functions vested in the President by section 1285(a) through (e) of Public Law 116–92 [50 U.S.C. 1550(a) to (e)] on the use of military force and support of partner forces to the Congress."

THE President of 1550 is President Trump. And He had already given a Direct Order to the Secretary of Defense with EO 13919... an active order to present day.

Plus, the Order of Succession with Executive Order 13963... 

If "Joe" were real and President... he'd have an Order of Succession. 

The June 4, 2024, DoDI 3020.26 specifically says Order of Succession CURRENTLY set forth in EO 13963.

EO 13963 = December 10, 2020.

Now... go back to the DoDD 5240.01....

Notice Letter (K):

k. The Defense Intelligence Components will only conduct, or provide support for the conduct of, covert activities: 

(1) In times of war declared by Congress; 

(2) During a period covered by a report from the President to Congress in accordance with Public Law 93-148; or 

(3) When such actions have been approved by the President and directed by the Secretary of Defense.  

Number 2... normally used for shit, but not this time.

During a period covered by a report from the President to Congress in accordance with Public Law 93-148.

Public Law 93-148 = Chapter 33 of Title 50, the War Powers Act of 1973.

What is the most recent amendment?


Go home fake news podcasters. 
Imagine a Book that outlines the WHOLE reason Artists and Songwriters move their whole lives to Nashville, where 99.9% end up living and never scoring a Hit.

They ‘dream’ of a Major Record Deal in which they believe is how they score a Hit.

A Hit that 99.9% will never see in the rigged monopoly and conglomerate called the “Country Music “Industry.”

I’m the 1st Artist and Songwriter with Billboard Hits to unveil the secrets of how an Artist and Songwriter does NOT need a Major Label to score Billboard Hits.

This book is the KEY with every SECRET that every single Artist and Songwriter could help flip the dirty system and clean out the incompetence.

If it were about talent, I’d have a Major. I write all my music and produce it with the top union session musicians (same as Top 20 Albums).

Major Labels are just as dirty and incompetent as Politicians.

Time to step up Country Music Fans. You support trash and a corrupt system. 💯

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