'This Can't Be Over Soon Enough': Biden's Final Pardoning Of The Turkeys Went As Expected

2 months ago

Posted • November 25, 2024: There's been a joke going around that the president's son was hoping the two turkey's his father pardoned today were named "Hunter" and "Biden": Hunter Biden will be wearing a turkey costume all week in hopes of securing a pardon https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GdMM77JWcAAG53d?format=jpg&name=medium -- However, that wasn't the case today at the White House when Biden had his final pardoning of the turkeys Thanksgiving event at the White House: President Biden pardons turkeys Peach and Blossom for his last Thanksgiving event. It was basically another episode of "Joe vs. Teleprompter": Biden, crushing it https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1861081794176524289/pu/vid/avc1/720x406/WV9SUySqjrNWQlM6.mp4 -- There's something about Biden speaking with the sound of turkeys in the background that's pretty much perfect. Is it January 20th yet? Anybody who put "tater tot hotdish" in a teleprompter for Joe was daring him to mess it up. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - 'This Can't Be Over Soon Enough': Biden's Final Pardoning of the Turkeys Went as Expected

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