GeoEngineering Discussion on Canada 10 NEWS

1 month ago

Canada 10 News:
Speaks with Dane Wiggington of
ChemTrails, GeoEngineering, Solar GeoEngineering
However you know of it, understand it is real, it is happening, it is dangerous & it has left patents, whistleblowers, video evidence, scientific evidence and Testimonies by men like David Keith and Bill Gates whom don't mind admitting they are doing it, why they are doing it (if you believe, and that they are aware of the delivery of the toxins in the air...and go on doing it...
Let me remind people that if they are spraying that much nano particulate out into the AIR, and that topic went from a denial to a scientific reason, what makes you think they are honest in their SPRAYED INGREDIENTS LIST & HOW MUCH of Each INGREDIENT IS IN THE DELIVERY PACKAGE....BY THE WAY Can Virus Samples be in Nano Form and added to the particulate mix being SPRAYED??? Hmmm
Just Curious since it spread so well and in regions.... You know WTF I'm Talking about... Conspiracy Theory Inside an Old One
....Many uses they get out of that spraying process huh....block the sun....spread infected particulate in the mix...Then maybe use H.A.A.R.P or NEXRAD to push the Weather Pattern to who's getting INFECTED next... Just a Theory

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