Thanksgiving: The Holiday That America Forgot - PART ONE of THREE - Professor Toto

3 months ago

00:00:00 Proud to Be an American: A Tribute to Freedom
00:04:01 Welcome to the Conservative College
00:06:30 The Call to Stand Against Lies
00:08:46 Debating America's Greatness and Future
00:11:00 Becoming an Ambassador of America on Thanksgiving
00:13:16 The Divine Plan and Human Creation
00:15:36 Debunking Myths: Christopher Columbus and American Heritage
00:18:04 Debunking Myths About Christopher Columbus's Voyage
00:20:20 Discovery and Settlement of the Western Hemisphere
00:22:41 Christopher Columbus' True Motivation for Exploration
00:25:12 Christopher Columbus' Divine Inspiration
00:27:50 Seven Years in the Royal Court
00:30:05 Christopher Columbus and Divine Guidance
00:32:35 Christopher Columbus and the Prophecy of Isaiah
00:35:09 Christopher Columbus and the Lost Tribes of Israel
00:37:37 Understanding Beyond Politics
00:40:06 The Prophecy of Ephraim and Manasseh
00:42:37 Prophecy of Ephraim and Manasseh in the Last Days
00:45:13 Prophecy of Joseph's Children: Great Britain's and the USA's Blessings
00:47:43 The Lost Tribes of Israel and Their Journey
00:50:05 The Vast Reach of the British Empire
00:52:23 Sources of National Blessings and Military Strength
00:54:48 The Balfour Treaty and the Founding of Israel
00:57:08 The Nephilim and America's Hope
01:00:00 The Role of Hope in American Political Discourse
01:02:03 Donald Trump's Unyielding Influence
01:04:13 God Bless the United States of America

Religious Significance of Columbus's Voyage
🌎Christopher Columbus believed he was on a divine mission, guided by the Holy Spirit to fulfill Isaiah's prophecy by discovering America and bringing the gospel to the "ends of the Earth".
🙏Columbus spent seven years in the Royal Court discussing his plan, which was deemed "foolishness" by many, yet he persisted, claiming the Lord gave him the "spirit and intelligence" for the task.
Biblical Prophecies and American History
🌟According to Genesis 48:1-6, Jacob's prophecy about Ephraim and Manasseh is believed to be fulfilled by the British Empire and the United States, respectively, as the greatest nations in the world.
🇬🇧The British Empire, representing Manasseh, covered 13 million square miles (25% of Earth's land) with 500 million people, fulfilling the prophecy of becoming a "multitude of nations".
America's Role in Biblical Prophecy
🇺🇸The United States, as Manasseh, fulfills Jacob's prophecy with its economic and military strength, having 5% of global population but 30% of world's economy.
🕊️Both the British Empire and the United States played crucial roles in establishing the State of Israel in 1948, fulfilling the prophecy that Manasseh would protect the land founded by Ephraim.

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