Lady Bangs In Front of Parent's Kids Over Woke Meltdown. Are Trans Losing Their rights?

3 months ago

Is Trump right? In this episode I wanted to share a personal story of mine, and dive a little deeper into Trump's previous video regarding gender rights and children. Lets bring a little more balance and common sense to the discussion.

As you can imagine, a lot of "woke" are making grandiose claims that trans are losing their rights, and the Trumpocalypse is nigh. From personal experiences mentioned in this video, and common sense, I wanted to offer a more balance take as to why this is most likely NOT the case.

I don't take sides, I'm neither left or right. I just see it for what it is. @DonaldJTrumpforPresident #gender #trump #civilrights

This discussion was inspired by @AsmonTV recent videos on Trump, and current discussions happening on X.

Follow/sub if you want to see more! This channel concept has been story boarding for 3+ years. I've got lots more videos in the pipeline and many improvements/ideas underway. Think of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

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