Strategy for Saving the Masses - WAR OF AMALEK (13)

4 months ago

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Strategy for Saving the Masses - WAR OF AMALEK (13)

0:00:00 Introduction
0:06:48 Rav Elchanan Wasserman's Strategy to Win the War of Amalek
0:10:34 Amalek Strengthens with Less Torah; More Torah Weakens Amalek
0:12:29 What is Missing in Our Strategy to Win the War of Amalek?
0:14:44 We Can Still Win the War Without a Leader if Following Hashem's Will
0:15:44 Focusing on One Task to Ensure Victory (Rambam)
0:16:31 Gathering of the Righteous is Beneficial to Them and Beneficial to the World (Sanh. 71b)
0:18:51 The Death of the Wicked is Beneficial to Them and Beneficial to the World
0:20:06 Death for the Righteous is Detrimental to Them and Detrimental to the World
0:20:39 Wine and Sleep for the Wicked are Beneficial to Them and Beneficial to the World
0:21:20 Wine and Sleep for the Righteous is Detrimental to Them and Detrimental to the World
0:22:20 Dispersal for the Wicked is Beneficial to Them and Beneficial to the World
0:23:24 Dispersal for the Righteous is Detrimental to Them and Detrimental to the World
0:24:36 Tranquility for the Wicked is Detrimental to Them and Detrimental to the World
0:25:30 Tranquility for the Righteous is Beneficial to Them and Beneficial to the World
0:26:00 Natural and Supernatural Ways
0:28:48 How Did Am Yisrael Cross the Jordan River (Sota 34a)
0:31:30 In Three Places we find that Kohanim Carried the Holy Ark (Sota 33b)
0:32:10 When the Feet of the Kohanim Became immersed in the Water of the Jordan, the Water Reversed Its Course (Sota 34a)
0:35:13 Joshua Said to Them: Know with What (Condition) You are Crossing the Jordan
0:37:14 Huge Stones as a Sign of Am Yisrael's Supernatural Crossing of the Jordan River
0:40:22 A Person Can Lift One-Third of a Burden Alone vs. with Assistance
0:43:07 Helping the Public Brings the Merit of Siyata Dishmaya
0:47:29 If You Want to Do Kiruv, Join the Team
0:51:35 "A Multitude of People is a King's Glory" (Proverbs 14 v. 28)
0:54:54 He became King Over Jeshurun When the Numbers of the Nation Gathered (Deut. 33 v. 5)
0:55:49 Can One Have a Siyum with a Small Group? (R. Efraim Kachlon)
0:59:58 Arizal's Plan to Bring Moshiach Was Foiled by the Satan
1:02:50 The Missing Ingredient to Defeat Amalek: Unified Effort in the Ways of Torah
1:06:10 Satan's Tool to Create Disunity
1:07:44 Rav Shteinman's Fiery Truth
1:11:48 Satan's Tool to Create Disunity Amongst Communities
1:13:57 Why is the Chasida Not a Kosher Bird? (Chullin 63a)
1:16:36 Fake Kindness & Fake Righteousness
1:22:21 Conclusion
1:32:17 AI Rabbi by Be'Ezrat HaShem

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