No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 089: Robin Hood can now walk

3 months ago

Streamed on 2024-11-25 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

To start off the week we started out with some simple tasks. The first was to make non-gameplay elements not use scaled time. In Replay Playback the gameplay elements should scale with our time factor (sounds, animations, etc). However, the non-game elements (Doodads, background music, etc) should not. So I went through all the Doodads and the MusicPlayer and made sure they were using RealTime, not ScaledTime.

SettingsScene needed a few updates as well. The volume test button hasn't done anything for a while, so I made it play some sounds. Now when you adjust the volumes you can test it to see how it sounds. Settings also needed a Reset button in case you made changes you didn't like. It didn't take too long to get that in place.

With the warmup tasks done it was time to return to the Chalk Doodad we were working on at the end of last week: the Archer. It took a bit of work to figure out why nothing was showing up in the Sprite. Once that was fixed it was time to make him walk. Right-clicking to the left or right of the Archer makes him walk to that point. I had to fiddle a bit to get him to accelerate from a stop, slow when approaching the destination and slow/accelerate when changing directions. Once the movement felt about right I slapped together a quick walk animation cycle. It doesn't look great, but it looks salvageable. With some tweaking it might look acceptable. That will be a task for tomorrow.

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