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2020 Podcast Archives | Ep.33-85 Back to Back
More information for each episode can be found on the podcast website:
Ep.33 Spiritual Consciousness
Our first guest of 2020 is Kevin J Briggs a life long experiencer with a group of eight ET Ambassadors, his contact started when he was eight years old, now he’s 65 and his contact continues to this day. Kevin is an author and specialises in consciousness and the connection to
ET/UFOs. His published book is titled “Spiritual Consciousness A Personal
Journey” and covers his experiences of ET contact and UFO connections.
Kevin speaks to many groups of UFO and ET enthusiasts.
Ep.34 I Was Stalked By A Terrifying Beast
Tonight guest is Antonio from California, he was stalked and hunted twice by an unknown terrifying creature that might be responsible for the many mysterious disappearances in Yosemite National Park. After years of searching for answers, he could be one of the few people to have survived and encountered this thing that could’ve easily made him mysteriously go missing like all the others.
Ep.35 Aliens In The Hood
Tonight guest is Miguel from South Central L.A When he was 19 years old and on a particular night in the summer of 2004 he had a meeting with three entities that took him from his car and left him with many hours of missing time.
Ep.36 Chased By An Invisible Entity
Our guest today is Joseph from Ohio and he has had one unexplainable thing happen to him and a friend about 15 years ago. He hasn’t shared this story with hardly anyone, but Joseph and his friend were chased out of an old abandoned Air Force Radar Base by some type of entity that they could not really see. It moved through the bushes and also threw up snow, but all they could see was an invisible entity.
Ep.37 Call Me 'O'
Our guest this episode is Rafael (Skitz) a rapper from Florida, his experiences started in early childhood and continues to affect him and his family to this day. Experiences that involve the Tall whites, the Greys, MIB’s, unmarked vehicles, and an insectoid being that Rafael calls ‘O’.
Ep.38 They Came At Night
Our two guests this episode are Jamie from Minnesota, with an encounter in 1982 at his childhood home and also an unusual sighting of an object at a volcano in Hawaii in 1991 while Jamie who serving in the U.S Army.
Followed by our second guest Jesse and he will be sharing the sightings he had in New Mexico in 2017.
Ep.39 The Sensation Of Death
Our guests this episode is Melissa from Florida, having worked as a first-responder for over 29 years she has encountered her fair share of paranormal encounters but nothing could have prepared her for what she experienced at a call out to a house fire. Melissa’s encounters have been featured on the tv show Paranormal911.
Ep.40 RAF Bentwaters: Maj.Lori Rehfeldt
Our First witness is Eric from Ohio to share his childhood encounter back in 1977 witnessed by his Father, Mother, and Sister, along with what he later found out was several others in his County. Then we have Maj. Lori Rehfeldt a rarely heard female military UFO witness, stationed at the nuclear-armed USAF facility at RAF Bentwaters in Suffolk in the United Kindom. Lori’s encounter happened in February 1980 and is very much a precursor to the events that followed the same year that is famously known as The Rendelsham Forest Incident.
Ep.41 Beware Of The Flying Saucers
Today’s guest is David Emmons from Illinois, and he will be sharing his UFO and ET experience that started at the age of 14. David and his best friend saw a Saucer shape UFO that looked like a spinning top. It had portals (windows) circled around the top or near the top of the craft. They stood there in awe, there was also missing time because Davids Mom was really mad when he came home so very late. He experienced four other UFOs since then and the last one was a large triangle craft in April 2011. Saw all the components on its underside as it passed over him. His Mom and two Brothers saw this one also just down the Street. David has been abducted at least four times. Encounters with two ETs while wide awake and several in vivid regressed dreams. And a very strange encounter with a lady believed to be a hybrid.
Ep.42 Eleven Eleven
Our first witness account comes in the form of a recorded listener submission, Dave from Scotland will be sharing his experience. Then we travel across the pond to the high desert of Utah and Allan’s UFO account of his close encounter with something that flew over his house within 100ft of him and his wife.
Ep.43 Awake With The Grays
Our guest tonight is Clint from Queensland Australia, his experience started at five years old. During the ’80s a craft hovered over his house and set off electronic items, he has also experienced very vivid dreams of being taken on board their crafts on multiple occasions.
Ep.44 The Alien Mind
Our guest tonight is Robert from the UK, an empath and a channeler. Robert’s experiences would involve strange looking people around his bed when he was a child, he will also be sharing information on different beings and connections he has to them on a conscious level.
Ep.45 The Lights Lit Up The Forest
Tonight’s guest is Jeremiah Sturk from Colorado, he’s had a plethora of supernatural experiences over his lifetime with other people present during these events. These experiences range from seeing UFOs to visions, dreams, actual markings appearing on his body over the past 15 years, he has also been given detailed plans from higher intelligent beings for an energy device that uses no fossil fuels and no moving parts and yet can power anything.
Ep.46 The Buckeye State UFO
Vince from Ohio will be sharing two encounters witnessed by himself and his family in 2013, what he describes as a strange oval-shaped object. And a sighting of a traditional black triangle UFO over Myrtle Beach in South Carolina.
Ep.47 Fear Of the Unknown
Tonight’s guest is Andrew from Pitsburg Pennsylvania, and he will be sharing an experience at the age of about 13 while on a camp out with his friends, they all saw a very bright light which was followed by time loss that left Andrew with a deep-seated fear of images of aliens. Then his second account is centered around bouts of sleep paralysis that sounded like something from a horror movie.
Ep.48 All Souls Gaze Upwards Forever
Tonight’s guest is Brian from California, Brian has had a number of sightings starting at a young age, which prompted his father to ask him out of the blue, “Did you really see a ufo?” Many strange experiences will be shared including visions of the future and messages from the dead.
Ep.49 We All Saw It
Tonight’s guest is Jamie from Baton Rouge Louisiana, in the fall of 1991 Jamie and his friends went out for a night of paranormal adventure but got lost on a logging road in the middle of nowhere and ended up witnessing a UFO in the woods. Our Witness submission is from Richard in Alberta, Canada sharing a strange and terrifying encounter in 1969 at the age of 6 years old.
Ep.50 The Turnpike Lane UFO
Tonight’s guest is James from London, having seen various strange lights in the sky, however, one night in late August of 2012 he got to see the real thing up close he observed a black disc with coloured lights around the center. The two voice submissions today have been provided by Gemma & Lee of Manchester, and Tom from Swansea.
Ep.51 Missing Time And The Man In Plaid
Tonight’s guest is Scott from Jamestown in the state of New York, when he was about 12 years old and camping out in his yard with a Neighbouring kid they both witnessed several moving lights in the night sky that had beams of lights passing between them, and this was followed by lost time. And our witness voice submission is from Danny from Philadelphia in Pennsylvania.
Ep.52 The Long Island Sightings
Tonight we are talking to Joey from Washington D.C and he will be sharing a couple of sightings that took place in eastern Long Island New York state between 2013 and 2015 and an unusual experience his father had in his own childhood. And for our voice submission, Will’s sighting occurred January of this year from a plane window on a flight from Peru to San Francisco.
Ep.54 In The Shadows
Published: May 25, 2020
Tonight’s guest is Jason in Tijuana, Mexico and he will be sharing the creepy paranormal encounters he had as a child. And our voice submission today is from Melissa in Florida with a supernatural story he Father told her back in the 1970s when he served as a Police officer.
Ep.55 Look-Up It's Been Following You
Published: May 31, 2020
Our Guest tonight is Jean from Ohio and she had a very interesting UFO experience as a child in Wickliffe Ohio in the 1960s and our voice submission Melissa from Florida with a skunk ape encounter in the Bulow Creek State Park.
Ep.56 The Chester Lights
Published: June 8, 2020
Tonight’s guest is Cyndi from Florida with a UFO Encounter in Chester Virginia while on a camping trip with her group from her church and a paranormal experience that followed a tragic accident. And our witness submission is from Dave in Massachusetts with his UFO sightings.
Ep.57 Friday Skies
Published: June 16, 2020
Coming up in this episode we have Dee from Cape Town, South Africa, and his account of the phenomenon he observed on the morning of Friday, May 4th, 2018 over the Atlantic. Dee witnessed what could be some kind of fleet of flying crafts that emerge out of thin air.
Published: June 21, 2020
Today’s guest is Giovanni and he will be sharing three sightings, the first was in Paramount, Ca, in June of 2001. He was over at his family’s house for a party and they saw a bright red glowing orb approach them from the southeast and then stop in the sky. It then began it’s spiral upward and shot off to the east with no sound at all.
Ep.59 Encounters Down Under
Published: June 29, 2020
Both our guests tonight are from the State of Victoria in Australia, first up we have Kieran with a UFO Sighting and a paranormal experience he will be sharing while working for a real estate agent taking photos of a haunted house in the outback. Then we move to Rhi in Melbourne and one night she felt the urge and was compelled to go outside.
Ep.60 Symbiosis
Published: July 5, 2020
In this episode, we are joined by Nancy Tremaine from Detroit, and she will be sharing a daylight encounter that happened in 1961 and was witnessed by herself, neighbours and police officers in the town of Novi. Nancy is also the author of two books Symbiosis and Pre-ordained about that day and the events that followed.
Ep.61 UFO's Over Devon
Published: July 14, 2020
Our guest this episode is Tom and he is coming to us from Devon in the United Kingdom, and Tom will be telling us about three strange and separate UFO sightings he experienced. The first was in the 90’s in a town call Ivybridge at the southern part of Dartmoor National Park.
Ep.62 The Cat Who Came Back
Published: July 19, 2020
R.O comes to us today to share a UFO’s sighting he had on a cruise ship in 2007 off the coast of Mexico. R.O and his wife live in Northern California and are no stranger to the paranormal, some of his wife’s experiences would involve seeing the people that have passed on after nearly losing her own life on the operating table and a final visit from a family pet that reincarnated as another cat.
Ep.63 Aliens Over Kentucky
Published: July 26, 2020
Today’s guests are Jacob and Jenny Floyd betterly known as The frighting Floyds, Louisville Natives and authors of ‘Aliens Over Kentucky’ an account of extraterrestrial encounters from the Bluegrass State, such as the Kelly Creatures Incident of 1955, the Stanford Abductions and the Dogfight above General Electric. And an episode of Chronicles wouldn’t be complete without some personal experiences from them both.
Ep.64 The Kelly–Hopkinsville Encounter
Published: August 2, 2020
Our guest this episode is Geraldine Sutton Stith from Kentucky, Geraldine was a young child on that hot summer’s night in the small community of Kelly, Kentucky. Lucky Sutton along with his family and friends were enjoying a quiet peaceful evening. The family not knowing that something strange would happen that night.
Ep.65 Missouri Monkey Creature
Published: August 10, 2020
Our guest this episode Melinda from Missouri to share some of her UFO encounters and sightings of a strange monkey-like creature that has been seen on multiple occasions by herself and her family.
Ep.66 I See Strange Things
Published: August 16, 2020
Tonight’s guest is Char from New York and she has ‘seen’ things since she was a child, she has seen both creatures and crafts and continues to see them as an adult. The most recent encounter was with a Grey Alien that healed an issue Char had been having with severe foot pain.
Ep.67 The Demon Dog
Published: August 23, 2020
This episode we are joined by Ange, and she will be sharing an encounter with what she calls a Demon Dog one night in the Anaheim Hills area of California and other strange happenings around her property, strange occurrences that she believes is all connected with her investigation into the death of her Auntie.
Ep.68 The Berkshire UFO
Published: August 30, 2020
Tonight’s guest is Tom Warner from Massachusetts and Tom will be sharing what happened to him on the evening of the 1st September 1969 in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. The UFO sighting had multiple witnesses reported seeing strange lights and experiencing other strange occurrences.
Ep.69 Fire In The Sky
Published: September 6, 2020
Mike Heston Rogers joins us tonight, host of The Realist on KGRA and witness to the Travis Walton incident and of the Phoenix Lights of 1997. He will be sharing what he saw and experienced with both events and about his interest in Natural Illusions.
Ep.70 The Phantom Car
Published: September 13, 2020
Our guest this episode is Owen from Philadelphia, and as long as he can remember has had paranormal and overall bizarre things happen to him. This story is one that has always stuck out with him. When he was 17 years old, himself and his friends were crossing a road in southern New Jersey at night, at around 10:30 pm when a car appeared out of thin air merely inches from his friend Nick and without a step, Nick leapt 4 feet high and 6 feet long over the median in the road and rolled. In the matter seconds that this happened he looked back at the car and it was gone. Not a trace of it and no sound of brakes screeching or an engine sounds. Shaken up and confused about what just happened they crossed the road and began walking back to Nick’s house. In about 5-10 minutes his parents pulled up and were very concerned saying that they were looking for them after they hadn’t come home for their curfew and it’s now 1:00 am. For years he has tried to figure out what happened to them with the missing time or how Nick could jump that high and far without even stepping. He often wondered if it was an act of god and if so why the missing time?
Ep.71 Not My Time
Published: September 20, 2020
This episode we are joined by Dale from Las Vegas and his remarkable account of a near-death experience. In 2004 while working as a truck mechanic, a sinkhole opened up causing the 60,000 lb semitrailer that he was beneath to collapsed crushing dale, forever changing his life.
Ep.72 Something In The Air
Published: September 27, 2020
Our first guest is Kellie from the state of Georgia, with a sighting of a very large triangle-shaped object that passed over her car and that left her wondering if there is a connection with the paranormal activity in her house that followed his sighting. Then we move on to Richard from Dublin Ireland, his experiences occurred in Italy where he was living at the time. And it was a series of encounters that happened over a period of two weeks, near and around a mountain called ‘Monte Morello’ known for it’s UFO’ activity. And an unusual sighting of a USO on a Pisa Beach.
Ep.73 Texas UFO
Published: October 4, 2020
This episode we are joined by Cameron from Texas, and he will be sharing a UFO encounter during a hunting trip in January 2014 then a paranormal experience from this year.
Ep.74 Lower Alloways Creek UFO Incident
Published: October 11, 2020
We are joined by Robert Earl White from New Jersey with an account of a triangle-shaped craft that crashed and was witnessed by his Mother on their property in 1991, a visit from the Men in Black and the cover-up that followed.
Ep.75 A Second Chance
Published: October 18, 2020
Tonight episode we have Daniel from San Francisco, and he will be sharing a near-death experience that was the result of an addition, and the changes he made mentally and physically after being given a second chance.
Ep.76 The UFO And The Mutant
Published: October 25, 2020
This episode we are joined by Jeff from Detroit Michigan, with three encounters first of a triangular object hovering above a house that was witnessed by Jeff when he was a child and his Mother. The second encounter is of ‘something very unusual’ he witnessed with a group of his friends at an old abandoned mental institution. And Jeff’s third experience was at an ayahuasca ceremony in South America.
Ep.77 The Uninvited
Published: November 1, 2020
Today’s episode is three short experiences of the paranormal starting with Mike’s witness submission of an unnerving black mass above his bed. We then move on to Michael who was an actor working at a haunted attraction in Texas, when he had his own chilling encounter. Our final guest is Tim, he will recount a visit from an uninvited Demon when he was a child.
Ep.78 Followed: Pacific UFO Mystery
Published: November 8, 2020
Nebojsa Borkovich shares extra-ordinary encounters while sailing across the Pacific Ocean in a 29-foot sailboat with his sailing companion Don a Navajo Indian. Were Neb and Don just casually observed out of pure curiosity or is there a deeper meaning, a more profound meaning?
Ep.79 The Dumbbell-Shaped UFO
Published: November 15, 2020
We start off this episode with Douglas’s voice submission from Victoria in Australia, his sighting occurred in 1972 witnessed by himself and two other members of his family. Then the first of two guests is Barny from Dublin in Ireland, sharing a sighting his late Father had in 1969 of a massive ball of light pulsing different colours. And then we are joined finally by Mike from Washington State in the US, with an unusual encounter with a dumbbell-shaped UFO, witnessed by himself and his Wife in 2013.
Ep.80 They're Out There
Published: November 22, 2020
Starting off this episode is Woodrow’s voice submission of a very recent sighting of a UFO in the State of Georgia, and then we are joined by Ryan from Brooklyn New York. Ryan will be sharing four UFO encounters he experienced in New York and South Carolina. And on a camping trip in upstate New York Ryan have an unexpected visitor to his camp.
Ep.81 The Bainbridge Island Tic Tac
Published: December 1, 2020
We are joined by David from Oregon today, with a sighting that he witnessed as well as eight members of his family on July 5th 2019. The Location was Bainbridge Island west of Seattle, one of the objects witnessed was very similar to the military sighting of the now-famous Tic Tac UFO
that buzzed the US Navy aircraft carrier Nimitz.
Ep.82 Chinati Peak UFO
Published: December 6, 2020
Tonight starting of our witness voice submissions is Irene from Florida, with a UFO experience from 1974 herself and her brother had. Followed by Dan from British Columbia with a shared sighting from the mid-nineties. We then move on to Rudy from Texas sharing his Grandparents encounter with a UFO in 1980 while on a journey from Texas to Mexico. And finally, we are joined by Daniel from New York and his experience of a strange craft on his Uncles remote Virginia farm.
Ep.83 Profound States
Published: December 13, 2020
We are joined by Charles in Georgia, and he is an ex-Martial artist, stuntman and videographer that worked in the motion picture industry with people like the legendary Chuck Norris. He is also an information technology professional, with over 41 years of computer experience, he’s worked over 60 professional IT-related contracts. His clients include the CIA, the FBI, Defense Security Services, DISA, the Library of Congress, the Treasury Department, NATO, the Army, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, Microsoft, Shell, Amoco, Conoco, Haliburton, Brown and Root, Cox Enterprises, GE, and numerous others. Charles has been an occasional contactee since his first close encounter in October of 1980. He will be sharing this experience and many others tonight.
Ep.84 The Sedona Lights
Published: December 20, 2020
Tonight’s guest is Alli calling from the State of Colorado. She has a few experiences to share with us this episode that appears paranormal in nature. And notably, one such event that impacted her the most occurred on a state to state trip in 1994 while visiting National monuments dedicated to Native American history.
Ep.85 South Nopah UFO
Published: December 27, 2020
Our final guest of 2020 is Kim from Las Vegas, Kim will be sharing an encounter with an object of unknown origin on the old Spanish Hwy by the South Nopah Range California. Kim has also had many paranormal experiences that she will also be sharing tonight.
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