Is Ringing in the Ears Really Tinnitus? Bio Sensor Implants & AHIs

3 months ago

In this thought-provoking clip, Jesse discusses how many individuals experiencing Anomalous Health Incidents (AHIs) report a persistent ringing in their ears. While mainstream medicine often labels this condition as tinnitus, Jesse raises the possibility that this ringing may actually be caused by biosensor implants.

Could this be the missing link in understanding AHIs?

📺 Watch the full interview here:

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What do you think?

Could ringing in the ears be caused by covert implants instead of tinnitus?

Let us know below! 💬👇

#TinnitusOrImplants #BiosensorImplants #AHIs #CovertTech #MindControl #MindNexusLive #JesseBeltran #TruthExposed #WakeUpCall

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