Warrior RFK Jr Speaks... we have not protected our children

2 months ago

When will this get better? When we love our children more than we hate each other, like he says? Or is it when we love our children more than we love MONEY, CAREER, MATERIAL POSESSIONS? How about when we stop putting them in danger by handing them over to the doctors needles the moment they are born? Stop handing them over to ‘child care’ to be raised by STRANGERS while we chase MONEY. Stop putting them in danger by taking responsibility for raising them. Wanting to raise them, rather than just have them so you can say you’ve got them and tick some sort of box in your head? Would that do it?
The con of feminism and career have destroyed the family unit as well as men, women and children and have ensured we are forever divided from those who we should be cherishing.

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