Janice Trey, CEO NTD/Epoch Times, New Paradigms w/Sargis Sangari EP 218

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On Monday, 25 NOV 24, on New Paradigms with Sargis Sangari, Episode 218, on the 20th anniversary of the book release titled Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, Ms. Janice Trey, CEO, NTD/Epoch Times, a former executive for several Fortune 500 companies, Chinese labor camp survivor and I discuss the decline of Legacy Media, the rise of AI news, the US business ties to the CCP Bamboo Union, the persecution of Falun Gong, CCP "Operation Taking Tiger Mountain", Shen Yuns labor practices, Chinese agent who tried to bribe the IRS against Shen Yun, should the FBI arrest the Director of North American Falun Gong Suppression Work Unit, and the emergence & future of NTD/Epoch Times.

At no time in American history has there been a threat as dangerous to our national freedom and existence as we face today from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

In both WWI and WWII, we faced an enemy that could not sustain attacks on the American homeland and was 1/10th the size of the American economy alone. During both wars, the American government recognized the threat and, contrary to popular myth, prepared in various degrees to counter those enemies at home and abroad.

Fast-forward to the late 20th and 21st Centuries when the CCP not only can capture and co-opt American vital interests, but it is actively doing so unopposed and, in many cases, supported by the United States and our allies.

Is this national suicide by America and the free world rational? Or does it reflect a profound misunderstanding and ignorance of what the CCP is and has done?

Suppose the factual record of the CCP atrocities, crimes, and intent was as widely known as that of the National Socialist Germans in WWII or even a fraction of what we learned of the USSR. Would the CCP get away with the crimes they are currently immune to?

The CCP, Mao Tse Tung, and most likely Xi Jinping are the "gold medal winners" in terms of crimes against humanity. From multiple Genocides, forced organ harvesting, sex slavery, environmental destruction, cultural genocides, human trafficking, biological experimentation and warfare, drug production and illicit trade, political torture, illegal rendition, illegal wars of aggression against Vietnam, illegal occupation of Tibet, and many more. The list of CCP crimes against humanity is so long that it defies an easy encapsulation. But when you ask Americans and most Europeans to name the most evil regime, the CCP is not even in the top three.

Ms. Janice Trey, a Falun Gong member, has been fighting the battle of light to attempt to illuminate the expansionist intent and criminal wrongdoing of the CCP for years against lethargy in the US and active violence in some cases overseas.

Please join us for this critical discussion.

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