Fighters from Mexico

3 months ago

Ask and you shall receive! User Julio Alfonso Mayorquin Gutierrez wanted me to list some mexican fighting game characters, and it just so happens that his timing seems to be perfect, so... behold!

There are no luchadores here, though. They deserve their own list. Do you guys want to see that?

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PS: Today is totally my birthday, but I spent most of it working on this video, so I reeeeeally hope people enjoy it. Sure would suck to know it was for nothing, I'll tell you that. XD

The soundtrack this time is:
- Sky Blue (KOF XIV)
- Nesutsu The Ruler of the Dark (KOF 2001)
- Phobos' theme (Darkstalkers)
- T. Hawk stage (Super Street Fighter 2)
- Cheer Up! (Rage of the Dragons)
- Kim Hoon's theme (Fight Fever)

5 Other Characters that are Hard to Master:

DieHard OhMyGat - Lucy, feat. Felipe Holmack

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