KENNEDY GRANDKIDS - JFKjr Birthday 11-25-1960 - I'M YELLING TIMBER Cap'n Dan

2 months ago

If you enjoy my Channel, Please LIKE and SHARE the Videos, buy me a Coffee at kids with a reminder. ITS GOING DOWN ...I'm Yellin' Timber. We won't forget!
Thank you Q 🙏
We will never forget.
We will never stop fighting this evil.
God wins.
Decode caps only: TQ WWGWWG1WGA =174 Trust the Plan, God is in Control, Eye of the Storm, Agent Timber Lark R, Truth Justice, Who’s Timber Lark, I Am Yelling Timber, I love this Song. (The Kennedy Grandkids' Timber Remix Cap'n Dan )
Be sure to see:
EP 71: JFK JR Tribute - "You Can't Always Get What You Want"

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