Features of Glock 19 Gen5 MOS: G19 Special Package with the Holosun SCS

3 months ago

Shane Coley, Captain of Team GLOCK, showcases the features of Glock 19 Gen5 Holosun SCS Pistol.

What’s up ladies and gentlemen, we are at the Glock booth at industry day at the range. I’m Shane Coley, Captain of Team GLOCK, and with me I’ve got the Glock 19 Gen5 special package with the Holosun SCS. Now this G19 has all the Gen 5 features. No finger grooves, got the flared magwell, ambidextrous slide, stop leverage, GMB barrel, and the front serrations, but it also comes with the Holosun SCS. For more information visit us.Glock.com,and if you’re looking to purchase right now, visit GunBroker.com.

Features of GLOCK 19 Gen5 MOS Compact
Caliber: 9x19mm
System: Safe Action®
Mag. Capacity: Standard: 15
Optional: 17 / 10 / 24
Barrel Length: 102 mm | 4.02 inch
Weight without magazine: 605 g | 21.34 oz
Weight with empty magazine: 675 g | 23.81 oz
Weight with loaded magazine 850 g | 29.98 oz
Trigger Pull: 26 N

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