Nick Fuentes on Talking to Boomers About Israel

2 months ago


Timestamps: 3:20:14 - 3:25:23

Key Insights
- First rule of public speaking is “Know your audience”
- Meet them where they are; nudge them towards your point
- The older generation LOVES Israel; it’s almost pointless to talk with them about it
- If you must, start with a general idea and then delve into specifics as much as you can get away with
- “We like Israel, but they’re a rich nation; maybe they should buy the weapons system from us.”
- Stick with things that are true
- You can take an even more adversareal approach
- Preview it: ”I’m going to tell you something you’re not going to like.”
- Riskier approach
- Better to avoid it all together; speak their language; talk about medicare or something else

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