Donald Trump National Security Advisor Signals "MORE OF THE SAME" Foreign Policy

3 months ago

Donald Trump National Security Advisor Signals "MORE OF THE SAME" Foreign Policy

Nov. 25, 2024

Due Dissidence

Incoming National Security advisor Mike Waltz outlines his priorities for Trump administration, and makes it clear, nothing is going to change.

Incoming National Security Advisor Mike Waltz, brother-in-law to nominated U.S. Surgeon General Janette Nesheiwat and husband to former DNI policy chief Julia Nesheiwat, appears on Fox News to discuss his priorities for the national security system under President Donald Trump.

Within the interview Waltz makes sure the collective NATO "west" get the unity message about U.S-Ukraine policy: "Jake Sullivan and I have had discussions, we've met," Waltz says in the interview. "For our adversaries out there that think this is a time of opportunity, that they can play one administration off the other, they are wrong. We are hand in glove. We are one team with the United States in this transition."

Whether, Donald Trump or Joe Biden/Kamala Harris, you get EXACTLY the same SYSTEM. And nothing will change, nothing. Both are just puppets of the oligarchs, banking and corporate masters who run the country. Different personalities are meaningless. All this so-called, lesser of two evil, political theater game that being played, it's nothing but a distraction, to trick common people to be against each other.


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