Lets Chat with Kat and Pat: Self Service

2 months ago

Let’s Chat with Kat and Pat is brought to you by http://slimrx.com and http://titanhair.com. Coming up right now on season 2, episode 18 of Let’s Chat with Kat and Pat, Kat and Pat celebrate the arrival of their shiny new and working stove! What goes up must come down! Days after the new stove’s arrival Kat and Pat found their mudroom full of soot and that can only mean one thing! Another Kat and Pat DIY repair, this time to their furnace! Finally, Kat reveals to Pat that Pat may indeed be her 4th husband and not her 3rd!?! You will be shocked when you hear the identity of husband number 3! All that and so much more coming up right now on season 2, episode 18 of Let’s Chat with Kat and Pat!

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