WATCH: Conservatives shame Trudeau for 'dancing the night away' amid Montreal riots

3 months ago

Conservative deputy leader Melissa Lanstman during Question Period on Monday slammed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for fomenting hate and then leaving the mess for other to clean up.

Lantsman, accusing Trudeau of "fomenting" with his divisiveness, demanded to know when he learned of Friday night's antisemitic riots in Montreal.

Montreal's "streets were set on fire, and the prime minister was no where to be found," said Lantsman.

"It took him until noon the next day to offer the most basic platitudes resembling some standard condemnation that he's been offering after fomenting the hatred that he's now surprised about."

"When as the prime minister told about the riot, and why did he decide to keep dancing the night away?"

The prime minister was not present at Question Period to respond. Video footage posted on social media shows Trudeau dancing in the aisles at a Taylor Swift concert and exchanging friendship bracelets with young girls.

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