A censored Covid vax study is now public, with shockingly bad news.

2 months ago

Maria Zeee: 10 Shocking Stories the Media Buried This Week | #10: One of the most heavily vaxxed parts of America is now facing a heart attack crisis.98% of people in King County, WA took at least one C19 shot, and the data is not looking good. Dr. Peter McCullough joins.

There's been a jaw-dropping 1,236% surge in excess heart attack deaths among King County's 2.2 million residents, a new peer-reviewed study reveals.

2020: 11 excess heart attack deaths

2021: 75 excess heart attack deaths

2022: 111 excess heart attack deaths

2023: 147 excess heart attack deaths, a 1,236% increase compared to 2020.

Moreover, cardiac arrest deaths, in general, rose about 25% from 2020 to 2023. In the same time frame, King County's population shrunk slightly.

Reflecting on this alarming data, Dr. Peter McCullough says, “So it looks like the vaccines are the smoking gun.”

But that's not all. A bombshell autopsy study now proves COVID vaccines are causing large numbers of deaths.

Powerful interests CENSORED this study TWICE, but now it has been peer-reviewed and published for the world to read.

It reveals that 73.9% of the deaths (240 of 325) were DIRECTLY linked to vaccination, with physicians confirming the vaccine as a direct or significant contributor to death.

Dr. Peter McCullough joins the show to discuss.

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