The Founder of Zionism was an Atheist

3 months ago

Slowly uncovering the web of lies we've all been brainwashed to believe via disinformation, and omission of critical facts. Theodor Herzl, one of the principle architects of Zionism (remember, Zionism is just an Ashkenazi separatist movement), was not Jewish. He was an atheist.

What's interesting about the Wikipedia article on Theodor Herzl, is that it doesn't mention anywhere in the body of the article that he's an atheist. But if you look at the absolute bottom, it's there, almost as a footnote.

Now why wouldn't they include something so ridiculously important in the body of the article?

We're often told the lie that Jews are returning back to their homeland. That Jews are from Palestine, that land is theirs by right and bloodline. But that narrative is contradicted by the fact that the "founder" wasn't Jewish at all. He was an atheist.

Wikipedia is pro-Zionist biased. If they included details about Herzl (the founder of Zionism) being atheist, it contradicts the narrative that this is a Jewish thing. A religious thing. It's neither. It's a ethno-nationalist thing. Despite the category listed at the bottom, there is no such thing as a Jewish atheist. Herzl was an Ashkenazi atheist. But if they admit he's not Jewish, then the whole Zionism thing is revealed to be the bullshit it is.

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