Epstein didn't kill himself

4 months ago

Epstein didn't kill himself
veryone knows who's who went to that island to fuck those underaged girls. It's just if you touch one of them, he or she will spill and will make others fall as well. Who even believes this shit that fbi and cia didn't know about the giant island where $100M were pooled every week for parties, gambling, sex and drugs for the truly elite .1%. Not to mention all of them are ultra rich, powerful politicians, famous actors, jews, media mogul etc. so goodluck suing them. Lastly, unpopular opinion, most of these girls were given cash and gifts afterwards anyway, which in today's day and age is 'legal' anyway. I mean look at insta, PH and onlyfans..Girls as young as 16yo are putting their virginity on sale asking for straight up cash plus trip to Dubai, stay in 5star hotel and expensive bags in return..might as well cash in.

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