Michelle Malloy Author, Therapist and Nova Scotian! "Thriving in Chaos".

2 months ago

Modernity has crested. Postmodernism has ruled the roost over long, and the Grand Narrative is in free fall, we are in a Crisis of Meaning!

Therapist Michelle Malloy incorporates the concept of Metamodernism into her paradigm, which I find so interesting. The existential quest for meaning has become a crisis since 2020. The old paradigms are in free fall now too.

Metamodernism seeks to unify the old paradigm of individual freedom, with the new paradigm of the " transhumanist nanny state" aka blatant Socialism.

We explore themes like the myth of Sisyphus, Self authorship, facing the demon, Gandalf and the bridge of Kazad-Dum facing the Balrog of Morgoth...deep in the bowels of Moria.

Check out her blog, book " Thriving in Chaos" and her counselling contact on her website: https://www.peddlinghope.com/thriving-in-chaos

Peddling Hope Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/peddlinghope

Such a pleasure to meet and talk with Michelle on what is perhaps the most important issue of the 21st century!

What is a Human and how can we feel whole and functional and empowered in a time of tectonic psychological. spiritual and cultural shifting.

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