Underwater Alien Bases, Strange Encounters, & Secret Programs: The UAP Hearings (with Richard Dolan)

2 months ago

Today on Change Agents, Andy speaks with author, filmmaker, and researcher Richard Dolan. His books include best-sellers like “UFOs and the National Security State" and "A.D. After Disclosure."

They discuss the recent “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth” Congressional hearing, and testimonies from Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy (RET.) Dr. Tim Gallaudet, Former Department of Defense Official Luis Elizondo, journalist Michael Shellenberger, the “Immaculate Constellation” document leak, questions surrounding underwater bases, secret programs and more.

To hear more from Richard Dolan, you can check out his YouTube channel called “Richard Dolan Intelligent Disclosure”: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnaIeNm-jSa1l8yHrn7PlQg

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