BlackRock's New Playground: Ukraine - UK Column News

3 months ago

BlackRock's New Playground: Ukraine
Full news and all the source links:
- BlackRock: BlackRock Financial Markets Advisory to advise Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
- Quartz: BlackRock and JPMorgan are backing a $15 billion investor fund to rebuild Ukraine
- openDemocracy: The BlackRock letters: inside Labour's 'close partnership'
- LinkedIn: Antony Manchester—Managing Director, Co-Head, EMEA Region, Global Public Policy Group, BlackRock
- The National: Keir Starmer slammed over 'gushing' tweet about BlackRock meeting
- Keir Starmer (on X): Keir Starmer’s post
“I’m determined to deliver growth, create wealth and put more money in people’s pockets. This can only be achieved by working in partnership with leading businesses, like BlackRock, to capitalise on the UK’s position as a world leading hub for investment.”
- Max Tempers (on X): From Private Eye: New Crawley MP, Peter Lamb, was leader of Crawley council when a major taxi corruption racket took place where mostly Asian taxi drivers paid bribes in the thousands for licences despite the fact they could "barely speak any English"

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