
2 months ago

Takedown request

to copyright
49 minutes agoDetails
User has reposted my video without my permission or concent or oral or written go ahead to use my stuff in any way or form on or off YouTube
https://m.youtube.com/@surenoob6626/shorts went ahead and reposted my content video as a YouTube short after I had already posted mine to my account. I have not concented to reposting my work to his channel. I filed a complaint against this user in the form of a copyright delayed takedown request, to give this user 7 days to remove this infringement https://m.youtube.com/@surenoob6626/shorts . Instead YouTube flags my dmca takedown request as fraudulent and bans me instead unfairly for a valid content i posted to my own channel. My identity drivers license as is my original sourced content I posted as is my dmca takedown are vslid an d submittedmin good faith. I

I dont want this content that I posted to my account reposted by any user for any reason. I wish to protect my content from being reposted or stolen.

I don't have a copyright signature or other way of saying I registered it for copyright free use by anyone accept myself. This work wasn't registered at a copyright office. None of these types of YouTube shorts i upload myself are avaliable for freebie use by anyone to steal and take from my YouTube account. Even if asked for permission. This url https://m.youtube.com/shorts/xVsjz_X_qCg is an outright infringement of work and content i created myself. It is not available for fair use dealings or public domain. Its a personally posted piece of content, iploaded of my own will, for others to view and see on the account, not take and repost to thier own Channels however they want, without any sort of compensation or askimg permission or credit to the creator, witch this user https://m.youtube.com/@surenoob6626/shorts did not. My ownm channel is terminated so I cannot extract the link to my own url of the original sourced content to feature it here

I believe every single piece of information I submit in the takedown and further explaining of the reasons for why I don't want this video reposted by the infringing user, is accurate and true.

I have a right to post my content and not have it reposted. For any reason. The user didn't contact me to ask if they could use the video. They took it outright and reposted it. I found this out in thier YouTube shorts section when browsing YouTube for content npand came upon my original work, the video, reposted. I filed a dmca copyright delay 7day takedown in response to this stolen work. This gives the offering user a week to remove the infringing video without a strike. I give the user a chance. The channel i found my work on https://m.youtube.com/@surenoob6626/shorts does not have my permission to post the stolen infringing work, a YouTube short depicting a game segment. Only I get to legally use a work I created for my own private purposes. Its not for public domain usage or free use. I posted it for my own use and for others to see it. I posted it first. The infringement took place afterward by the offending channel who took and reposted my video.

I posted the video first and intended it only for myself personal use, not for freebie use for anyone to take or repost as they so wish. Source of infringement took place here https://m.youtube.com/shorts/xVsjz_X_qCg and in no way did I have contact with this user off site or on YouTube about the Inherent reposting or infringement of my own video witch is the original source.

YouTube misidentified and still misidentifies my identity as probably fraudulent, witch it is not as it was submitted in the account for advanced YouTube features, so it's accurate and true identity, and mistakes my request for a copyright infringement takedown as fraudulent
, witch it is not

I represent myself and my content as accurate and true for filing this copyright dmca takedown for the user https://m.youtube.com/@surenoob6626/shorts f
Who took my video I uploaded to YouTube, witch I created with my own phone and built in recorder, and uploaded to YouTube as infringement taking place at this url https://m.youtube.com/shorts/xVsjz_X_qCg. This user does not in any way have my oral or written permission or concent to use my video on his YouTube channel. This is an infringement of my original work.

I have a good faith belief that the use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
The information in this notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, I am the owner, or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed


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