The Girsan MC14BDA and MC14G84 - Modernized Classics in the World of .380ACP Pistols

3 months ago

We’re here at the EAA booth to introduce our new two models of the .380 from Girsan. The first model is our 84: .380, double action, single action, ambi-controls, 13-round magazine. Lightened slide, comes in three different flavors: darker, two-tone, and in black. We also have what we call our MC14BDA, which is an enclosed slide, ambi-safeties, double-action, single-action, 13-round capacity.

The beauty of these little .380s is they’re similar to products that were out there before at half the size. So now you have a 13-round capacity double-action single-action that is accessible and more controllable and it’s easier to conceal.

Both models are half the size of the older versions. So if you want something that’s really, really compact, has a lot of capacity, look at our .380s.

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