Escape ALL These Things

1 month ago

The entire world will be overtaken by this sudden snare and sudden destruction, which is marked by the sudden appearing of the Son of Man and a conditional escaping all those things listed by those that are worthy to stand before him. (Mk.13:36-7) “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation... Behold, I come quickly”. (Rev.3:10-11)
The admonition to watch is to watch for Christ himself to appear. (Mt.24:42-3, 50, 25:13, Mk.13:33-7, Lk.12:37-48, 21:36, Phil.3:20, 1 Thes.5:6, Tit.2:13, 1 Pt.4:7, 2 Pt.3:12, 1 Jn.2:28, Rv.3:3, 16:15)
“That day” will include “all these things that shall come to pass”, which means the beginning of sorrows or the things that “must first come to pass”. (Lk.21:9, Mt.24:6-8, Mk.13:7-9) That day is coming upon the entire earth which will be like a snare. A snare is set without any sign or indication of its presence; thus unawares as the text states. (Prv.1:17, 7:23, Ecc.7:12, Psa.142:3) This is the “hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” (Rev.3:10)
When the Son of man returns to the earth there will be an unconditional standing before him of all nations. (Mt.25:31-2) But this is a conditional promise of watching for him to appear suddenly to stand before him and escape all the things listed. His appearance wouldn’t be sudden if you knew there were all those things yet to occur for you to endure. And Jesus wants his people to know that he is coming without signs (1 Thes.5:1-3) quickly, (Mk.13:36, Rev.1:1,3,2:5,16,3:3,11,16:15,22:6,7,10,12,20) so that we watch for him. (Mt.24:42-3, 50, 25:13, Mk.13:33-7, Lk.12:37-48, 21:36, Phil.3:20, 1 Thes.5:6, Tit.2:13, 1 Pt.4:7, 2 Pt.3:12, 1 Jn.2:28, Rv.3:3, 16:15) And he will take up to the Father’s house in heaven. (Jn.14:1-3, 1 Thes.4:16-7)
But also post trib creates confusion as to the nature of escaping all these things. If you die in the beginning of sorrows, did you escape all? Or if you die towards the end of all these things, do you escape all? Or if you live through the entirety, did you escape all? You escape if you live or you escape if you die. Holding this interpretation, you would have to say escape means all the above.
Post trib escape would mean whatever happens to those worthy. If you are found worthy you will either live or die worthily. That seems to stretch it past what is stated. We won't know if found worthy you will endure (escape) to the end of your faith (die) or the end of the world (context).

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