Combatting Veteran Homelessness

2 months ago

The deep-state used the military to rape and pillage foreign lands in acts of aggression on behalf of the New World Order. In 2020 the deep-state compromised puppets all worked in lockstep to usher in world communism under zionist bolshevik satanic rule. The military served the purpose of the satanic elite and strengthen the sick, perverted, satanic practices of the zionists. People are FINALLY starting to work it out despite having spent thousands of hours telling them for years what was happening and what was to come. The homeless veterans in the eyes of the deep-state are "expendable containers" so they are thrown away. President Donald J. Trump is, and always has been, and always will be the man who risked his life to bring down the deep-state cabal, and their child trafficking, adrenochrome harvesting, war mongering, money laundering world slavery system, and their organ harvesting , and their pedophile network.



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